Why I'm Called the Gun Swap Goddess

Start from the beginning

When he saw this, he knew for a fact that they wouldn't be able to win.

*Is that playstyle... even feasible?*

It wasn't anything Stein had seen before. This wasn't surprising - as a beta player, he only had a couple weeks' worth of experience in the game. This wasn't nearly enough time to see everything the game had to offer.

But even if he had played the game for years, it wouldn't be anything he'd see. After all, there was only one player in the game that had truly mastered this playstyle - the Gun Swap Goddess.

Stein considered the experience that would be necessary to play like that.

If you picked a class, you had to spend your hours to learn how it worked.

If your class required precision, you had to practice.

If your class required planning, you had to practice.

As of now, no player had shown a level of slingshot prowess remotely near Fae Sol's.

Stein suspected that this player was a slingshot master in real life.

It was an odd venture in the modern era, but there was no other explanation for the precision she displayed.

However, now... she was a master dagger wielder? How?

One thing that was widely known by beta testers was that martial arts in the real world and VMA could be applied in Synergy.

A majority of the population did not have martial arts experience in the modern era. It wasn't that martial artists were uncommon. It was just that one was far more likely to encounter a person who didn't know martial arts. And many of these people were the ones playing Synergy.

Martial arts masters were busy focusing on their own body and technique. They didn't have time for "children's games" like Synergy.

Why was a master slingshot and dagger user playing?

"It's interesting, right?"

As if she read his mind, Fae Sol postulated this question.

As of now, she'd stopped using the slingshot and was only using the dagger.

If she used the slingshot, the fight would have long been over.

Stein was naturally intrigued by this question.

"It is... How is it possible for you to play like this?"







As Fae Sol considered the answer to this question, the intense melee didn't stop.

Stein and Cargo Biscuit.

These were the two most skilled fighters of the advance party.

As militants of Alacai, they were undoubtedly in an upper echelon of martial artists.

Castle wasn't at their level, but he was undoubtedly a young talent who simply lacked experience.

Yet these three players couldn't land a single hit on their opponent...

*>Stein: We're forfeiting.*

*>Quaterniana: ...*

It was a tough pill to swallow, but the outcome of the battle was already obvious.

Reincarnation of the Gun Swap Goddess [Volume 1]Where stories live. Discover now