Every member of Shock Collar had died in the wild; 6 to the anonymous Slingshotter, and 13 to the mysterious NPC. After this ridiculous death, some of them were considering calling it a night and playing again tomorrow. The level they'd spent almost an hour to get was reverted just like that. However, they were bound by a strict contract. They had to play a certain amount of hours every night otherwise they'd have no chance of getting paid...

As Shock Collar agonized over this black-hearted boss they were under, they received a message from him.

*>Lujen: All of you idiots died? What are you doing?*

*>Axis Jack: Yes, we died. Fortunately, the Slingshotter didn't attack us any further after we decided to confront the NPC. However, the NPC was extremely powerful. Some of our attacks didn't even deal a single point of damage. On top of that, its attacks were devastating and team-wiped us instantly.*

*>Lujen: ... Are you serious?*

*Axis Jack: Yes. None of us have every seen anything like it.*

*>Lujen: Hmm...*


There was a bit of a radio silence after this message from Luden.

The members of Shock Collar were tense. Would their unreasonable boss understand their plight? But after a few more agonizing seconds, Luden responded...

*>Lujen: Well, if what you say is true, it can't be helped. Just tell me you managed to get the Slingshotter off my tail?*

... rather reasonably?

The members of Shock Collar looked at each other nervously. Was this their boss?

"Maybe he's finally gained a bit of game sense?"

"I think so. After seeing that Slingshotter's performance, I think he's changed a bit."

They weren't complaining about this positive change! But three players were a bit more nervous than the rest when the Slingshotter was mentioned...

"You three. Did you keep an eye on her? Why'd you join us in the attack on the NPC?" Axis Jack asked.


"From the looks of it, she wasn't hostile during the fight. She was simply observing us."

"Yea yea that's it! She was like looking at us from behind a tree and stuff, pretty weird huh?"

"Hm..." Axis Jack contemplated what to report to Luden.

*>Axis Jack: During our fight with the NPC, she refrained from hostile actions. On top of that, she observed the entirety of our fight. It's unlikely she can catch up with you, but to be on the safe side, make sure you sprint full speed towards Inkling Village for protection.*

*>Lujen: You better not be wrong.*


Axis Jack was a bit nervous when he saw this message. But there was no chance Luden, who had over a minute's head start, would get caught, right?

"Let's hope we're not wrong..."

After all, Shock Collar wanted to get paid tomorrow.


*Lujen, Lujen, where are you? You'll be giving me the dagger and some Coins, too!*

Jisha was running full sprint through the sparse forest. And since Stamina didn't exist yet, she could keep 100% of her speed with no interference.

*Sprinting as fast as possible without getting tired was one of the most exhilarating things ever!*

Jisha made sure to regularly check her map to confirm her trajectory. She assumed he was headed towards the nearest Village, and that was where she was headed too. So naturally, keeping an eye on the map and maintaining heading was paramount.

Reincarnation of the Gun Swap Goddess [Volume 1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ