"We need to move, now. Keep driving." Julie cried as she sat on Prowl. "And no I am not riding in your alt mode, Prime. Not for a very, very long time." She replied as she looked at him. "Trust me, Bumblebee is not alone, but he will be if we don't hurry up and get back to Detroit. I have a plan, but you need to trust me and let it play out." They sat there in silence as she waited for Prime to give the order of whether or not she will trust her and let her help, or if he will turn her away like he has been all day.

"I trust you, Julie." Prowl spoke up, startling her for a mere second, but she nodded in acknowledgement. "Bulkhead?" She asked, as she looked at him.

"I...I...I'm with you, but I don't like having to choose sides." Bulkhead replied, as she then turned to Optimus.

"Let's move." Optimus ordered as he resumed driving at full speed across the ice, not even acknowledging her, but she appreciated that they were once again on the move. As they drove behind him, seeing Detroit up ahead. She hoped that her sisters in Detroit were still there and that they were being fruitful with their part of the plan as she sat there thinking about everything that was taking place.

"Primus help us." She muttered under her breath, knowing full well that at least Prowl would still hear her, but she didn't care. She trusted Prowl, as he supported her, not just now, but many other times so far in the past as she has been with them. They speeded through the city and she looked up in time to see two of her sisters fly up to them and join them, letting her know that they had successfully gotten the citizens to safety. "Sisters, we are headed to join Julie at the Sundac tower, hopefully she is there with Sari and Bumblebee. We have no idea where Ratchet and our other sister are, but as far as I know, we gotta hope for the best that she has also been successful in her part of this plan."

"Understood." Both of her sisters replied, before one sat on top of Bulkhead, while the other resentfully hopped on top of Prime.

"How is there more than one Julie?" Bulkhead asked, giving out the question that she was sure all three bots had as far as her and her sisters went, but she merely smiled and focused on the tower that was starting to come to view.

"I don't know, but we need to trust them. It sounds like they have a plan." Prowl replied to Bulkhead, making her nod to agree with his statement.

"Agreed. As you have seen we managed to duplicate myself, but not forever. It will wear us out eventually. If Primus continues to be on our side we should be able to have enough energy to face the Decepticons, but I could end up in another stasis nap for another month. That being the best case scenario. We have two others, one that should be with Ratchet and our original that should be at the tower already with Bumblebee and hopefully Sari when we find her." Julie explained, as they started to pull up to the tower. Her and her sisters hopped off, as the three bots transformed into their bipedal modes in front of the tower.

"Is that Starscream? With Bumblebee?" Prowl asked as she looked up to find Bumblebee and Starscream on top of the tower.

"Sisters, wait. We need to trust Julie is already up there." Julie cried as she turned to them.

"Guess he didn't listen to you." Bulkhead commented.

"Yes, it's becoming quite a habit." Optimus replied as they looked up at the tower to find it starting to glow red. As they looked up, they saw something break out of the roof, revealing a Decepticon that none of them had been suspecting.

"Megatron." Her and her sisters all commented at the same time. The bots around them all seemed to freeze in shock as they looked up at the warlord that was above all of them. Megatron hovered above them, two swords in hand as he stared down at them.

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