Goodbye Uncle Iceman (11)

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My dad and uncle Iceman were very...let's say opposite people. My dad was funny and easy going and Ice was a little more cocky and confident. But when mom died and Iceman found out me and Brad were in the navy he quickly took us in. His wife Sarah would invite us for dinner when we were in town and often included us at Christmas. 

One of my favourite memories had to have been the first Christmas after mom died. Uncle Ice and Aunt Sarah asked us over for dinner and we thought it was just that. When we got there there was a present for each of us and a set of matching PJ's the family wore on Christmas day. The present however was the most special part. In a 5x7 frame was a photo of the Top Gun class of 1986, in the photo was dad. In the writing below it stated: Nick "Goose" Bradshaw in between the other pilots names. They never took him out. I cried when I got it and Bradly did too only in private where he thought I couldn't hear him. 

Ever since then we have gone to every Kazansky Christmas. But then Uncle Ice got diagnosed. And I still remember that day vividly. 

Wake up and work out

Breakfast and breifings

Prep for flight but get called out to the generals office:

"Hawke, come in please." 
I sit down.
"I have a phone call for you and it is very urgent, your brother Lt Rooster is on his way now.
"What is going on?"
She handed me the phone:
"Hello?" I ask quietly.
"Hailey?" the voice on the other line asked through tears.
"Aunt Sarah!?"
"Yes, it's me, Uh, Uncle Ice is ill and needs you guys to come home. Well...I need you to come home."
"What's going on Sarah?" 
"'s cancer Hailey, throat cancer." 

I dropped the phone onto the Generals desk and raised a shaking hand to my mouth. 


We were waiting for class to start, Maverick was no where to be found and we were chatting amongst ourselves. We heard quick footsteps come to the front of the room, Cyclone looked tired and looked around quickly at the pilots in the room.
"Rooster, Hawke, my office now," he says sharply and leaving as fast as he came in. 

I give Rooster a funny look and we follow the same path of Cyclone, scattered whispers come from the other pilots as we leave. We follow the long hallway to the the head of the schools office. Sitting in the chairs in front of his desk is Maverick and Aunt Sarah. She had tears in her eyes. I knew what that meant.
"No." I whisper, eyes welling up. 
She sniffs and nods, I run over to her and wrap her in a hug. She opens her arms to Rooster and he also hugs us. 
"We are cancelling training for the rest of the day." Cyclone says from his desk. 


I stood in front of the floor length mirror in my hotel room. I was in my dress uniform, I held my cap by my side and just stared at my reflection. Hair tied back and slick, crisp iron lines on my pants, the awards I have earned on my chest. 
"Hey kiddo," Bradly says softly from the doorway of my hotel room. 
I turn he was in his dress uniform, he wore his hat and stood with his hands behind his back. I sniffle and walk over to him, 
"You look like dad," I force a smile and brush my hands over his shoulders to straighten his epaulets. 
He smiles at me, "You doing okay?"
"Yeah," I wipe the tears off of my face.
"You ready?"

We stand around an open grave, a shiny brown casket sat in front of a photo of Iceman in his dress uniform. Bradly, me, Nat, Bob, Hangman and Mustang stand three to each side of the casket and pick up the flag drapped across the top, we fold it and Bradly hands it to Aunt Sarah. We stand to the side with the other Aviators and solute, Maverick walks up takes a set of naval wings and places it gently on the lid of the casket. With one flowing motion he slams his fist on top of the wings into the wood. Four F/18's fly over us and one ascends higher than the other leaving a streak behind them. Six fellow soldiers shoot their guns from the side of the graveyard. 

I am standing by a tree away from everyone. The other aviators talked with high ranking officers, Iceman's family members, other aviators etc. I watched as Aunt Sarah wiped tears and laughed at what the others were saying to her about her husband. I feel a hand on my back, 
"Hey." Bradly said calmly. 
I sniffle, "Hi." 
He wraps his arm around my back and pulls me in for a side hug. 
I press my face into the side of his chest, "Why does everyone keep leaving?" I sob.
"What do you mean Hailey?" Brad asks softly. 
"Dad, Mav, Mom, Ice, why does everyone keep leaving us? Please don't leave me Bradly." 
"Hawke," he lets go of me and crouches to my eye level, resting his hands on either shoulder, "I am never going anywhere. All of those people left for reasons we cannot control, they didn't leave because of you or me, their time just came. But I will never EVER leave you, you got that?" 
I sniff and nod, he wraps me up in another big brother/dad hug. 


Hey! I know it has been a few extra days than usual but I have this weekly school assignment and it kicks my ass everytime. well anyways I hope you liked this chapter! 

Lots of love, stay safe <3 :)

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