Training day 2 (4)

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"You know something I miss about being on land is the food," Mustang sits with his tray at our table. 
"Right, I could kill for some solid Thai right now," Hangman adds.
"That is one of the douchest things I have ever heard," Bradly put in his two cents. 

We were sitting in the dining hall eating breakfast, Bob and I exchanged glances like middle schoolers. Nat sat on one side of me and Bradly on the other, and I could tell Nat was picking up on something, that will be fun to deal with later. However Hangman was definitely right about the food. 
"How is it? I am simply proving a point Rooster." 
He doesn't quit.
"Just say the food is bad, Jesus man." Bradly points out.
We all laugh, Hangman never lets anyone get the last word and Bradly is more competitive than Uncle Mav. 

~|~| ~

We were all sitting in the classroom again this morning waiting for Mavericks instructions. He came in a dramatic as he usually does and tells us we are going to fly again today. 
"Now the jitters are out I am getting serious." 

We all changed and head to our planes. Once we are up in the air I hear Nat's voice over the coms: 
"Hey Bagman, why don't we make this interesting?" 
"What did you have in mind Phenix?"
"All the ones hit by Maverick, 200 pushups. Beat him, none." 
"Bet." Hangman says on the coms.

Bradly excelerates the plane and pulls it up,
"Clear on all fronts." 
"Thanks sis." 
We keep flying we pass some of our fellow teammates all trying to find Maverick. 

"Hahaha, thats 200 Bagman," Nat comes on the coms.
"It's Hangman!" He yells. 
"200." Bob says.

I smile, Bradly keeps a steady pace, 
"You have Phenix and Bob behind you and Jumbo and Hurricane to the side." 
"Any sign of Mav?" Bradly asks.
We keep flying semi around each other, waiting for Maverick to say something on the coms. 

"Shit, whose down?" Phenix asks. 
"Us." Jumbo replies on the coms. 
"Pull it." I yell. 

Bradly pulls the plane high and loops back around to find Maverick. 
"Bob and Phenix to your left." I say.
"Copy." Bradly replies. 

There were two planes left and Maverick was lurking somewhere, and Bradly wasn't going to lose again. 

"I got eyes on Maverick 15 feet to the right." I say. 
"You're mine." I hear him whisper as he hits the excelorator on the plane. 

We catch up to Maverick, Bradly opting to go above him hoping he wouldn't see us. Maverick pulled a hard right and looped above us. Brad excelorated again but didn't angle properly and we got hit directly. 


"God Damn it!" Bradly yells.
"Thats a kill, and mildly stupid response there Rooster." 

Rooster is livid with himself and with Maverick. Quietly on the com I hear Bob say: 


"123, 124, 125," Hondo calls from above us. 
Me and Bradly were sweaty, tired, and mad. Maverick out smarted us again. 
"132, 133, 134." 
I hear boots walking on the burning asphalt and I feel a boot on my back, 
"Your killing it Hawke." It was Nat. 
I smile, "Nope just got killed myself." 
I hear another laugh, it was Bob, I turn my head and smile at him. 
"145, 146, 147."
"Looking good Bradshaws." I hear someone call from my right, I turn my head and see Hangman with his foot on my brothers back putting extra foot weight on him.
"Fuck off Bagman." I call. 
"156, 157, 158." 
"Just making sure your big brother humbles himself Hawke, thats all."
"Just remember who got shot down first." I say panting through my words.
"169, 170, 171." 
"Okay Hawke find me when you're done." Nat smiles and walks away.
Hangman pushes Bradly down and holds him in a low plank, "Your little sister may need to start watching her mouth there, Rooster." 

Bradly seethed, he was usually mild tempered until me, mom or dad were brought up and if looks could kill Hangman would be dead 17 times over. 
"189, 190, 191." 
"Come on Bob, leave them to their misery." Hangman says.
"No thanks, I'll wait." Bob smiles and he sits on the pavement beside me.
Jake just shakes his head.
"200, well done Bradshaw's you're free to go."

Bradly lays flat on his stomach and lets out a painful groan, I lay on my stomach and roll my head to the side and see Bob holding a bottle of water out to me, it was cold and sweating in the heat of the sun.
"Bless you Bob." I smile.

I had never seen him so proud of himself.

Authors note: 

OML I am so sorry for the delay I was at camp this past week and had no time to write. It is literally 1:45 am and I speed demon wrote the ending of this chapter. I hope y'all liked it and it was worth the wait. I am obsessed with the cute Bob content. 

Lots of love and stay save <3 :)

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