Oh, Fuck, You Kinky Bastard!

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    Tom honestly didn't know how they got into this position. What felt like a few seconds before, he was still standing in Tords office with Edd and Matt.

    But somehow he was in Tords room, with that man on top of him. And, oh, how he could feel Tords fingers inside of him with the additional praise.

    Tom was in heaven.

    "Tom?" The man asked. Tom just let out a hum.

    "Can we try something different?" Jeg vil knulle deg mens jeg drar i håret og alt mens jeg kveler deg. Jeg vil få deg til å føle deg bra, så bra at du ber om mer selv etter måneder, år etter." The man muttered.

    Despite Tom not knowing what the fuck his lover said, he still consented with a nod.

    A shit-eating grin rested upon Tords face as he pulled out his fingers. Tom whimpered at the loss.

    "Are you ready?" Tord asked with a hum. He only got a slight nod in response.

    The man grinned and took the lube once more, squirting it in his hand and then on his length. As quick as it happened, it was over and he was positioning his member in front of Tom's hole. Anxiety rose in the second in command of my stomach. Sure, they had done this before, but every time he saw Tord positioning himself, he would forget he had had intimacy before. It was like his first time all over again, and, who the fuck wants that? Certainly not Tom. That shit hurts like hell!

    He was quickly broken out of his thoughts when something jammed inside him-no, not jammed, that would hurt, a lot. More like a light thrust, but it felt much worse than it was. Then a thick accent spoke, “Are you ready, min kjærlighet?” It asked. Tom could only nod, he didn’t trust his words.

  Just as Tom was getting comfortable with having Tords member, still, inside of him, the bastard started to thrust into him. And they didn’t begin soft or slow, straight into pounding. Tom wouldn’t admit it, but he loved it. The feeling, the moans that had to escape his mouth, Tord leaning over Tom's shoulder and murmuring praises into his ear. Was this heaven? Tom couldn’t tell the fucking difference. With each thrust, a moan escaped Tom’s mouth. Embarrassment came with each one, but why would he care? He was being fucked at the moment, does he have time to care? No, no he didn’t.  

“I want to fuck you senseless Jeg vil få deg til å tigge om mer. For at du skal be meg knulle deg, selv om det er rett foran andre. Jeg vil at du skal skrike navnet mitt mens jeg banker inn i deg. Jeg vil få deg til å vingle når du går. Jeg vil gjøre deg til min til vi blir gamle og ute av stand til å elske hverandre igjen.” The Norwegian man articulated. Tom shuddered at his mother's tongue. He would never admit how much he loved when his boss would praise him while he pounded into him.

     He was quickly thrown out of his thoughts when Tord shifted his thrusts, hitting just the right spot to make Tom arch his back in pleasure. Not to mention, Tord was rubbing his prostate with every thrust. Tom was overstimulated at this point and he loved it. Every thrust was a new pleasure as if this was his first time all over again. Though, it wasn’t. Tom’s first time was when he was seventeen; given that, the other was sixteen. If you can’t guess, it was a weak attempt for pleasure from two… sexually desperate teens who; most likely had no other experience with men, nor women. But this, but Tord, was different. It wasn’t half-assed, and they weren’t desperate. They were high on lust. They were passionate about love. They were passionate about each other. They were always pleasing each other, not just sexually. 

But this was sexual, and Tord was still ramming into Tom. Said man was now being shoved into his boss's desk. His hands were in his hair, impelling his face into the marble desk. Coldness covered his left cheek, causing a shiver in the boy. The cold felt quite nice compared to the heat on every other part of his body. Tord noticed this shiver, he propelled the man under him into the escritoire once more.

Tom's eyes rolled back, and an intimate feeling formed in his stomach. He couldn’t hold in the pleasure anymore. Tom practically was screaming, though, they were just loud moans. Tears found home in his eyes, and with every blink, fell.

“Fuck, Tord,” he moaned out. Only a hum was acquainted from the man. Of course, the Brit didn’t know what to say, so he kept his mouth shut even though the unbearable overstimulation.

He wanted to come, no, fuck that he needed to come. It was getting unbearable and maybe even painful. Mildly painful, though, nothing much. Tord was still pounding into him and still brushing his prostate and just the right spot. The boss had never unshifted his thrusts when he found the spot. Of course, by now the second-in-command's legs were shaking uncontrollably. The only thing keeping him up was the hand in his hair jostling him into the table. By now, the cold had faded, and the heat had found his cheek again. He knew he was going to take a nice, cold, shower.

"Fan, Thomas, jeg kommer til å komme. Gjør dette til den beste orgasmen jeg noen gang har opplevd. Jeg trenger at du skriker navnet mitt til stemmen din er helt borte." Tord didn’t hesitate to stop, he jammed himself inside of Thomas. Then, a warm liquid filled his insides, and a hand wrapped around the Brits member, too. Pumping it up and down.
Almost immediately Tom came into his hand. A wave of relaxation filled his body once Tord pulled out.

And would you look at that, his member being inside him was also helping him stay up.


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