"Can we sit and talk!? It really hurts to stand"


"Say what is it" tae asked crossing his arms

Jungkook and tae were sitting on the dinning table in opposite direction


"Don't tell me shits like you love me, or what you told was a mistake and stuff like that. I don't have time to listen to those stupid excuses of yours!" Tae said coldly

Jungkook lowered his head as he took a deep breath
"That's not what I want to say"

Tae looked him "then what is it?"

"About the contract......."

Tae's heart was beating fast. Though he said he didn't want to be with him and acted all cool.
Deep down he really carved for jungkook. He wanted to hug him and cry saying he loves him and not to leave him.

"I have decide to extend it"

"What!?" Tae raised his eyebrows

What's he planning this time!?

"As per the contract you must stay with me for 6 months so we can easily get the divorce. We are at our 4th month but your pregnant with my child. So.."

"It's not your child!" Tae said as jungkook looked at him

There was a complete silence

"Let's say it's my child"

"It's not!" Tae replied with a straight face

"Taehyung! Let's just say...it's my child for now ok?" Jungkook said clunching his teeth

"Jungkook! How can we say it's your child when it's not yours!"

"Tae!?" Jungkook raised his voice

"What!? It's not yours!" Tae replied

Jungkook took a deep breath!
"Alright! It's not mi.....taehyung I'm sorry ok? I didn't mean to actually say those words. I just was mad that you enjoyed with your seniors when I was away! It really pissed me off! That's why I just.........said all those stupid stuff I'm sorr..."

"Are you done!? If yes can I leave!" Tae stood looking at jungkook

Do you even have something called brain in your head! Your such an idiot kookiee~ you said those words just because I spent some time with my college mates? Unbelievable!


"What do you want me to do jungkook!? I don't want to stay with you!" Tae crossed his arms

"I'll do whatever you want! Please don't leave me! Please" jungkook walked towards tae as he hold his hands "I'm sorry"

How can he look so hot while apologizing?! Damn! Tae thought

Tae signed as he pulled his hands "Fine! I'll just stay here for now! About divorce I still want to get it"

Jungkook lowered his head

Don't tell me he's gonna show that sad bunny fac.....here we go!

here we go!

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