CH 4

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A few months later, the entrance exams started. Midoriya and Bakugou walked inside with each other.

"Well, good luck Kacchan!"

"Hmpff, yeah whatever. You better not lose Deku, I put too much effort in our training for you to fail." Bakugou said before walking off. Midoriya went to the restroom before he ran to find his seat. Bakugou grabbed his arm and roughly pulled him to his seat before turning towards. . . VLAD KING!

Midoriya didn't know when he started muttering but Bakugou swiftly shut him up with a slap in the back of the head. Midoriya shut his mouth and focused on the paper he was given, he would pass this easily. He was great with tests and Bakugou helped him study.

. . .

He was nervous. They were listening as Present Mic explained the physical part of the exams. When a blue haired boy called him out for his muttering, he sunk in his chair. He was ready to take the criticism and apologize but Bakugou had other ideas.

"Shut the fuck up Four Eyes! Deku isn't harming anyone with his muttering. It's an annoying as fuck habit, but he is working on it! YOU are the one interupting a fucking HERO to call him out!" Midoriya would never get used to Bakugou standing up for him. His harassment at school suddenly stopped when Bakugou started talking to him. Anyone who even tried anything would get a blast straight to the face.

There was a moment of silence before Present Mic continued his explanation. When he was done he just walked off when suddenly, the roof opened. A timer started ticking, Midoriya and Bakugou sprinted off as the others sat confused but they soon caught on.

Wordlessly, the two fought robots. They didn't fight the same robots but Bakugou didn't chase him off like he did other people. Sometimes, Midoriya would have to pull someone out of the way from a falling chunk of metal. As the timer ticked both Bakugou and Midoriya racked up points.

When the robots had started to grow few and far in between, they started sharing. Izuku would use his telekinesis to pull the machine towards them so that Bakugou could blow them to smithereens. Or, Midoriya would tear them apart with telekinesis. Then it happened, the zero pointer.

Bakugou wanted to leave since it wasn't worth any points and Midoriya was about to go with him when he heard a scream. They both turned around to see a girl trapped under rubble, right in the zero pointer's path. On instinct, Midoriya ran to help her. Using both his physical and telekinetic strength, he managed to get her free from the rubble. As he was doing this, Bakugou took to attacking the robot as a sort of destruction.

Midoriya pulled the girl to safety, then went to help his friend. Together they were able to take down the zero pointer right before the time went off. Exhausted, the two collapsed in heaps on the ground.

Heroes came by to check on them but found nothing serious besides their exhaustion so they were allowed to head home.

Mom was respectively worried about their bruises whilst Aunty just brushed it off.

"Inko, you worry too much. The brats are going to a hero school, of course they are going to get a little banged up," Aunty said with a light voice.

Mom fiddled around with the hem of her skirt nervously. "But Mitsuki, what if they don't get in? It would break their little hearts! Or- or the hero course could be incredibly dangerous, they go get extremely hurt! I don't know what I would do if Izuku or Katsuki-kun ended up in the hospital."

"Inko. . . our brats are strong and determined kids. If U.A. does not accept them then they can go for some other school. You don't always need the best," Aunty stated, "so calm down, okay?"

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