CH 3

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"C'mon, Deku! Land a hit already! How do you expect to fight fucking villians if you can't eve hit me!" Bakugou sounded very annoyed but let Midoriya take a much needed breather. A week has passed since he came home, four days since he started school again, now he found himself spending his Friday after school to train with Bakugou. They were in Bakugou's backyard, supposedly fighting, but in all honesty? It was just Katsuki beating the crap out of him. Midoriya just couldn't hit him! He tried, he really did, but Bakugou was so fast it was ridiculous. But hey! The older boy wasn't using his explosions so. . .

Midoriya had asked Bakugou about his intended training technique and his answer was "Land a hit on me, then we can worry about the rest. Shouldn't be too hard, you know how I move and fight." Midoriya wanted to get to the actuarial training as fast as he could, the exams were coming up fast. They had less than 10 months and he wasn't remotely ready.

The greenette lunged for his friend, only to be countered and hit in the gut. To his credit, Midoriya rebounded quickly and was strategic, but that wasn't much when Bakugou was both things and more. The quirkless boy had bought a new notebook that he quickly filled up with observations he made on heroes and villains alike. It was to learn and nothing more, this wasn't his habbie any more. His notes ended up taking up a section of his new sketchbook as well, these notes weren't like the others though. These were completely dedicated to his training as well as a few pages on Bakugou. There were some sketches to go with the notes and the boy spent hours going over them and practicing the poses.

He fell into one of them now, the defensive position Bakugou would use. Slightly crouched, hands raised, and feet apart. It was exactly the same, Midoriya adjusted it slightly for his size and body type but it was clear who he got it from.

Bakugou smirked as he saw Midoriya's stance. He went for another gut punch but this time the smaller boy was ready. With a grunt, he ducked and lashed out.


Bakugou grabbed his arm and twisted, pulling the entire boy into a backflip of sorts before landing on the ground, hard. Midoriya moaned in despair and pain, he failed again.

"Nice one Deku. you finally did it."

Wait, what.

"Did you not feel the impact? I was able to grab your arm because you landed a hit on my chest."

Midoriya was stunned, he landed a hit? He actually did it!

"Does that mean we will start training for real?"

"Yes, dumbass."

Midoriya clambered off the ground in joy. He did it, he hit Kacchan and now he was going to be taught by someone he really looked up to. All Might was cool but at the end of the day, he was just a dream crusher. Bakugou on the other hand, was making it up to Midoriya in the best way possible.

"Okay, Deku. Tomorrow we will start training for real. For now, go home and sleep. Oh! You have to run home though, full out sprint all the way there like I'm chasing you!" Bakugou was admitaly, a little excited to be a teacher. Midoriya was not just his competition, he was his student and Katsuki was not going to fail at anything, even teaching. He watched as the green haired boy disappeared over the hill and turned to his house to make planes for tomorrow.

Midoriya made it into his apartment completely out of breath. Mom was in the kitchen making dinner so Midoriya took the chance to shower and document what he remembered. He was exhausted but hyped to finally be training. Tomorrow couldn't come any slower. He didn't even notice that he fell asleep in his sketchbook.

@ @ @

Shigaraki stood up from his perch near Izuku's window. He didn't quite know why he started watching the boy. It wasn't like he cared about the kid, he just couldn't get the image of his eyes out of his head. They were so innocent. . . No, Shigaraki didn't care about the boy just from a look, he was just. . . he was jealous, yes that was it! The kid looked so innocent whilst Shigaraki learned the truth very early on. . . Shigaraki was just jealous of the childhood this boy had. That was why he was stalking the kid, he wanted second hand affection, just seeing someone he wanted to protect get affection felt good. . .

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