CH 1

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"Kacchan, give it back!" Midoriya called, reaching desperately for his notebook. The blond boy smirked at him before exploding the book.

"Oops, I think I made Deku cry!" Bakugou sneered to his friend. The boy next to him shook his whole body when he laughed. Bakugou laughed with them before tossing the burnt notebook over his shoulder. Midoriya noticed it went out the window and made a mental note to go outside afterwards.

Bakugou stalked up to the greenette before snarling, "Do you really think you can get into UA without a quirk?" He clasped his hand on Midoriya's shoulder, scorching the fabric underneath. His face was close enough for the greenette to feel his breath, "don't even try, I'm going to be the only one in this shitty school to make it, you have no hope."

Bakugou stood straighter and started to walk towards the door, "Hey, maybe you can still be a hero in your next life though! Just go take a swan dive off the roof!" He barked before slamming the door.

Midoriya stood there and rubbed his shoulder. He waited a few minutes before dashing out the door and down the stairs. When he got outside and found nobody there, he walked around the building to look for his notebook. He sighed when he found it in some container of water, being nibbled on by fish.

"I guess my dreams have become fish food," he snatched his book and started the walk home.

As he was passing under the bridge he heard a squishing sound. Before he could even turn around, something wet wrapped around his body. "Don't struggle kid, if I had known that he would be here, I would have left this city ages ago. Just a few minutes and I'll have a skin suit."

Midoriya struggled more to free himself but it proved useless. If I had a quirk, I could try to free myself. Instead I'm going to die here under a bridge. Hope you're happy, Kacchan. Midoriya's vision started to blur and get darker. I can't breathe, someone help. The last thing he could remember before passing out was the sound of someone shouting, "I am here!"

Midoriya woke up to someone slapping his face. Shit, did Kacchan find me? He opened his eyes, expecting to find the blond boy glaring at him. However what he found was his idol staring down with concern. His idol. All Might. All Might had saved him, All Might had saved him!

He squealed before pulling himself back. "Oh my god, oh my god! You're All Might. I have so many questions, can you sign my-" he grabbed his note book before he noticed the signature. "He signed it! All Might can I ask you some- What are you doing?"

All Might was squatting before he turned his head. "Sorry kid, but I got to get this guy to the police," a crestfallen look started forming on Midoriya's face. He can't go yet, I still have so many questions. The hero was getting ready to take off, so Midoriya made the impulse decision to grab onto him. It took a few seconds for the hero to notice and after realizing that the boy couldn't just let go, he made a pit stop to the roof of a building.

"Young man! That was an extremely dangerous thing to do!"

Midoriya looked down at the ground guilty. "I just had a few more questions for you. I- I wanted to ask you, can I be a hero? I have no quirk and all the kids at school tease me, say I can't but there has to be a way right? I mean, I can still save and help people without a quirk, right? Please All Might, I need to know!"

All Might looked at the kid before a coughing fit took over his body. Steam and/or smoke started to come off his body as he hacked up blood. Midoriya stopped what he was saying to watch as his idol was engulfed in the cloud. Where All Might once stood, there was now a shriveled man that looked like he was on the verge of death. Midoriya stared for a moment before he freaked out.

I will save him! (Nomu Deku)Where stories live. Discover now