Chapter 3: Masquerade Madness (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Laughing, I cut her off, "thank you Mari and thank all of you guys too! It means the world to me that you could be here tonight." I turn to face my little group of friends.

I turn to face my little group of friends and tuck the small box into my jacket pocket, "Now that Marinette is here, I have an announcement! I talked with my father, and he is going to allow me to go to university; I will get to see you all anytime as long as I can keep up academically." Everyone in our little group is cheering and forms a little group hug around me. 

This is the happiest I've felt in a long, long time. It doesn't last long though because suddenly there is a chorus of gasps behind me. 

My friends and I all turn around to see what's going on. Marinette rushes forward, pushing her way through the crowed of people. I look further into the crowed and see Mrs. Dupain-Cheng struggling to hold her husband who has collapsed to the ground. "Papa?!"

(POV Marinette)

I push through the crowed and finally make it to my parents. "Papa!? What's wrong?? What's going on??" He looks up at me and struggles to get up, "I'm fine Marinette don't worry." Adrien is immediately right next to me, "Should I call an ambulance??" 

My mom and I support my dad as he stands, "No, no that's not necessary. I'm just tired, that's all." I can't focus on anything but trying to support my dad's weight, and get him through the crowed of people. 

We make our way back towards the door with all eyes on us and I help my dad down the stairs. Adrien hurries in front of us and holds the door open as we exit. As soon as we are out and down the steps my fathers takes his arm off of my shoulders and leans to my mom. 

They start walking to the car and once I am sure that they aren't going to topple over, I turn to face Adrien. I'm flushed and panicked and probably look like I'm about to have a heart attack, but I plaster on my best fake smile, "I'm so sorry to leave early, Adrien, but I need to take my dad home and make sure he's alright. I'm sorry if we disrupted your party-" 

Adrien hugs me and shakes his head "Don't worry about the stupid party. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help." I'm stunned for a moment but hug him back, tears falling down my face. I pull away from him and nod, this time offering a half smile before hurry after my parents.

I open the car door and climb into the back seat. "Honey you should go back inside and celebrate with your friends!" I look at my dad like he's insane, "We need to get you to a doctor! You just collapsed!" 

My mom looks at my dad and sighs and looks at me, "Marinette your father is just tired. He over did it at the bakery today getting all the food ready for this party. He's okay and we are just going to go home and get some rest. Please, you should go back and enjoy your night. If your father is still not feeling well tomorrow, we will go see a doctor first thing tomorrow." 

I shake my head and am about to protest when my dad speaks up, "Marinette I'll be fine. I'll go home with your mother and rest. I will feel terrible is you miss out because of me. Please stay and have fun with your friends. We promise to call you if anything happens."

I sigh, "You're sure that you're just tired...?" I look my dad in the eyes, waiting for his response. "Yes, sweetheart. I just need a good night's rest. Please go on back inside." Reluctantly I nod and step back out of the car saying my goodbyes and watching the car drive away. 

I try to shake off my nerves and walk back towards the Agreste Mansion. Just as I am about to open the doors, there's a loud explosion and screams from inside. Stepping back, I open my clutch to release Tiki, "Well, I guess it's a good thing I stayed. Tiki, spots on!"

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