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Start from the beginning

An hour later, Natasha was sat on the sofa watching a movie with the fire on in front of her as it was cold and has been raining for the past half hour, getting heavy every minute.

You sat by your mother's legs, using her feet as bridges almost laughing when Natasha jumped as the car wheel got stuck on her toe nail which wasn't very nice.

You continued playing with your toys until a big loud rumble of thunder coated the sky, blasting your ears. You screamed loudly and hid yourself in between Natasha's legs

"Oh детка, your okay" Natasha said lifting you up onto her lap letting you cuddle into her chest [baby]

"M-Mama, it's l-loud" You sobbed covering your ears with the palm of your hands while staring into your mothers eyes which calmed you down the slightest ever bit

"I know моя любовь, but mama's here" Natasha said cupping your cheeks and rubbing your tears away with her thumbs. A bright strike of lightening filled the room making you scream at the top of your lungs. [my love]

You dived head first into the open side of Natasha's cardigan trying to hide yourself inside the gap in the side and wrapping your legs around her waist

"мамочка напугана" you whimpered pressing your face right against Natasha's right boob and holding the cardigan over your head [mommy scared]

"мамочка прямо здесь" Natasha whispered to you stroking your hair and patting your little butt [mommy's right here]

"Come here little one" Natasha said patting her lap and holding her cardigan open, you looked up at her with teary eyes and slowly crawled onto her lap, once again resting your head on her boob where it was comfy

"Shh, I got you" Natasha said as you cried out again and the lightening, she tightly wrapped both side of the cardigan and her arms around you

"I got you my dove" Natasha whispered placing plenty of kisses along your forehead. You stayed inside of Natasha's cardigan safe and sound until the storm past, little did Natasha know, was that your addiction to that cardigan would grow more and more everyday


"Come on honey, clean your toys away. Grandma's gonna be here in a minute" You said taking your son's hand into the living room

"Oi, help him" You said throwing a rubber toy at Peter's head, he jumped and shot up nodding his head and started to clean away

The door bell rang and your sped out of the living room, unlocking the door as fast as you possibly could

"Mama" You squealed, wrapping your arms around Natasha's neck and hugging her as tightly as you could

"Hi my love" Natasha chuckled and walked forward with you still hugging her and shutting the door behind her with her foot them giving you a hug back

"I missed you so much" You said finally pulling away and looking at your mother, Natasha smiled kissing your cheek and rubbing your shoulders

"Grandma!" Your son shouted running through the kitchen and crashing into Natasha's legs wrapping his small arms around her legs

"Hello little spider" Natasha said ruffling his hair before she ran back off to the living room making her chuckle

"Tea?" You asked, sticking the kettle on. Natasha nodded back and took a seat at the kitchen island

"Nice cardigan" Natasha teased smirking to herself, you shook your head chuckling, wrapping it around and you tighter

"Got it from someone I love most" You teases back placing her tea down in front of her. She smirked at you sipping her tea as you walked back over to the fridge

"Did you straighten your hair, it looks straighter" Natasha said tilting her head to look at you

"Oh yeah, I got it done the other day" You said smiling, turning around and ruffling your hair at top. Fixing your hair, caused your cardigan to rise, revealing your pregnant stomach.

Natasha's jaw dropped, causing tea to spill down her mouth. You gasped and covered it again walking back until your back hit the counter

"W-wh- How long" Natasha said standing up covering her mouth with her hand. You lowered your head letting your tears fall to the floor

"7 months" You said quietly, Natasha gasped again, walking forward and placing her hands on your big bump


"We wanted to surprise you by bringing her to you once she was born. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you mama, we had a big plan sorted out" You cried keeping your head down

"No детка, don't be sorry. It's not your fault, I understand what you were trying to do" Natasha said pulling you into her chest and stroking the back of your hair [baby]

"It is, I'm sorry" You cried into Natasha's shoulder, Natasha held you tightened rubbing your back and kissing your cheek

"Shh, ангел. I didn't tell grandma Melina, I was pregnant until you were 2 years old honey" Natasha chuckled and continued to hold you close to her [angel]

"Your not mad?" You asked pulling yourself back a bit, Natasha shook her head with a smile and happy teary eyes

"I could never be mad" Natasha said kissing your nose. You smile right back at her and leaned forward into her chest again.


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