Ashes and decay fell from Izuku's face. A smirk fell onto Tomura's face as red liquid seeping out of the smaller boy's face began dripping onto his hand and the floor. He was murdering Izuku. Well, that's what he thought, anyway.

Eventually, Tomura released Izuku's face from his grasped and shoved him to the floor, face first.

Izuku laid there still for a moment. A pool a blood formed around his face. He didn't move a muscle.

"Now, Dabi, will you tell me who that was?" He gestured to the 'dead' body on the floor. Dabi just avoided eye contact and continued looking at the teenager on the floor. He knew Izuku was up to something, and he wasn't about to interrupt that.

"DABI! DO YOU WANT TO END UP LIKE HIM?!" Shigaraki was now even more annoyed, but had no reason to be mad at the greenette anymore. Or so he thought.

Dabi just didn't speak and kept avoiding eye contact. He did notice Izuku begin to stand up, however. He suppressed a smirk and a laugh as Izuku was now standing behind Tomura, his face bloodied, but no longer injured.

"For fucks sake! WHO IS THAT?!" He went to look back down at the body, but all that was left was blood and a few ashes. "What the.." Tomura stared at the place on the floor in question. Where did the body go?

"You lookin for me?" Izuku spoke over the taller man's shoulder. Tomura looked like he jumped out of his own skin. He snapped his head round to the left to see Izuku now next to him. The man's eyes widened as something in his mind clicked.

"..You're the immortal kid, aren't you?" His face was the slightest bit puzzled. He lifted his right hand to his neck, and scratched it with three fingers. The action wasn't something Izuku had seen before, but then again we all have our weird little habits.

"That's me!" Izuku replied. He seemed too cheerful, and it concerned Tomura. Izuku was most definitely not a cheerful person. He may have been once upon a time, but not anymore. Times had changed, and so had he.

"Toga. This the boy you saw?" The man looked into the darkest corner of the room, and out skipped a spiky blonde haired female.

Izuku's whole face fell. The colour of the female's hair, the spikes that sprung from the two buns on top her head, all reminded him of a certain someone. Someone he despised. The one he was going to traumatise. If he hadn't already, that is.

This female looked like the gender bend of Katsuki Bakugo. And the fact that she had just buried a knife into Dabi's skin, he was mad. Very, very, mad.

Dabi was the only one recently who had actually spoken to him in such a manner that it had made him feel settled; not to mention that he was also the reason that Izuku smiled for the first time in a good few years. And because of that, Izuku was furious that this female named 'Toga' had injured the only one he currently cared for. He did not like this girl.

"Yep!~ That's him!~" She spoke so happily all while she had this wide grin on her lips that reached all the way to her eyes. Dimples were placed on her cheeks and two very pointy canines were visible when she showed her teeth. Izuku hated everything about her at this point.

"And you are?" Izuku spat the words out. His voice was full of spite and hate for the girl.

"Himiko Toga~ And I know you're Izuku-kun!!" She had no reaction to the tone of the greenette's voice, nor did she care he was glaring at her.

Izuku didn't respond to Himiko after that, he just walked back over to Dabi. He seemed to be trying to grip the knife still inside his back in order to remove it. He winced every time he tried.

Izuku knelt down beside him and gently slapped Dabi's hands away from the knife.

"Let me do it, you're never gonna reach it," Izuku said, quite bluntly. He was still annoyed at the blonde haired female on the other side of the room.

"Do you know why you're here?" Tomura asked the boy. He didn't know whether Dabi had told Izuku why he was brought here. It would be worse if they had to restrain him, but that wouldn't be necessary.

"You want my quirk, am I right?" Izuku didn't even bother to face the man talking to him. He was focusing on how to take the knife out giving the least amount of pain to Dabi.

"So he did tell you.." Tomura's gaze fell onto his scarred colleague.

"I'm not an idiot, you asshat," Dabi shot at his boss. He glared at Tomura, while the crusty man held a continuous frown.

Silence fell across the room as Izuku continued focusing on the knife, Dabi and Tomura glared at each other and Himiko just kept her mouth shut while admiring another few of her knives.

"This may work, or it won't," Izuku had cut the silence in the room. Dabi stopped his glare while he questioned the greenette what he was going to do.

"What are you trying to do?" Dabi knew Izuku's was trying to get the knife out of his back, but he didn't know how he was going to help the wound.

"You'll either live or you'll bleed to death. Sound good?" Izuku gripped the knife with his right hand and held Dabi's back with the other.

"Uhm, no-"

"Good. On three," Izuku didn't give the man a chance to protest before he continued.

"Three," He began counting down.

"Two," And before he could even reach the number 1, Izuku pulled out the knife. Dabi groaned in pain and annoyance that the greenette did it by surprise. More blood was now dripping from the black haired man's wound and Izuku's immediately put pressure on it.

"Please work, please work, please work..." Izuku repeated to mutter these words under his breath; they were barely audible, but Dabi heard. Though, it wasn't the first thing on his mind. He was in pain and just hoping that Izuku could stop the bleeding.

There was a bigger chance Dabi would survive even if the bleeding didn't stop, for the knife didn't hit anywhere vital. Yet it would still be a pain in the ass to deal with.

Izuku grinned as the wound began sealing itself up. He didn't know until now that his quirk had other abilities than just keeping its owner immortal and free from wounds. He was able to transfer some of this power onto another living object, but didn't have the chance to test this out before now.

Izuku thought back to when he was 9 years of age. He found his 'best friend' sitting on the floor by a tree in the park. Katsuki had blood dripping down from his forehead, obviously from a wound. Izuku hurried over to him despite the blondes protests. Izuku held Katsuki's head with his left hand. Even though the blonde pushed him away quite quickly, blood had stopped dripping from his head. Katsuki was surprised, but hated Izuku for dealing with it. With his attitude, he though he was more capable to do it than the boy he bullied. Izuku was shocked that he managed to do what he did, but never tried it again. That was, until now.

"And... you didn't bleed to death!" Izuku stopped putting pressure on Dabi's back and stood up. He himself was surprised it worked, but he was glad nevertheless. Dabi's blood covered his hands, but Izuku's didn't mind. He was glad about his accomplishment more that anything.

Dabi's pain had come to a halt at he couldn't even feel a wound in his back. He was confused as to what Izuku did without any medical equipment.

"What did you do?" His voice was pretty monotone, but anyone could pick up the slight hint of surprise. His hand padded around his back to find the wound, but he never felt anything other than a little bit of damp blood still soaking his white shirt.

"This is only the second time I've done it, but for a few seconds I managed to transfer a small amount of my immortality to you so it would heal up your wound. Honestly, I'm surprised it worked."

As Izuku spoke and helped Dabi to stand, no one noticed a growing smirk on Tomura's face. He was thinking about one thing, and one thing only. With the sight he had witnessed before him, Izuku had just demonstrated that he was more powerful than anyone had thought he was. One thought just lingered throughout the power-hungry man's mind.

'This kid will be more useful to us than we thought...'

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