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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTIEE!" Tink yelled with a cake lit up with candles in her hand causing me to smile as i sat up in my bed.

i saw dior waving her tail looking happy as Tink started dancing causing me to laugh.

i took out my phone and recorded her and dior while laughing.

" thank you." I said putting my phone down and she sat the cake on my lap.

" make a wish." She said and I thought about what i wanted then blew out the candles but them bitches kept coming back to life.

" im dead." Tink bust out laughing watching me continue to blow.

" fuck it." I laughed getting out the bed and she told me to follow her so we went to the living room and i got so happy.

she had balloons everywhere, gifts, and more.

" you did this by yourself?" I asked and she nodded and i realized that she didn't have on no big clothes so i could definitely see her bump.

" I appreciate you for everything foreal you been there for me since forever and now it's my turn. you know ain never had shit but because of you i can do and get whatever i want. i love you aries. we gone forever be besties happy birthday." She said and I started crying.

she have went through so much and im just glad that i could be there for her every step of the way.

" thank you." I wiped my face and she passed me a gift. i opened it seeing hella money causing me to stop and smile at her.

" now you know-" " aht aht open the other ones." She cut me off then I grabbed another gift opening it seeing a diamond bracelet.

" thank youuu."

" that's not it it's one more." She said bringing me a big boxed that was wrapped good ass hell. i opened it seeing a big ass picture of me and my mama.

" chill the fuck out." I said so shocked while just staring at it. i didn't want to cry today but she making it happen.

" you like it? I been stressing about this picture for about 5 weeks." She said and I looked at her.

" I love it what the fuck. We gotta hang this up asap." I told her causing her to chuckle.

" thank you so much." I told her crying my damn eyes out. she know how much my mother means to me.

" you don't gotta thank me." She said rubbing her belly causing me to smile. " anyways go get dressed cause we gotta long day ahead of us." she added.

" whew lemme see what y'all got planned for li ole me." I chuckled going to my room with dior following me.

I did my morning routine then got dressed in some simple for right now cause i had a cute outfit for later.

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