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" omg look at what i got daddy!" I smiled happily on FaceTime with him.

" her name dior

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" her name dior." I smiled looking at my new puppy, I was so inlove already.

" she cute." He said sounding very much like a hater.

" daddy." I put my face in the camera mugging him.

" omg look at your puppy! Where did you get her from?" He asked sounding like a white girl. he tryna be funny ugly ass.

" I got her from this girl on Instagram, she only 1 years old." I said. " I can't wait to buy her some clothes.

Matter fact ima finna go to the store in a minute.

" ight, stop by later tho." He said and I nodded hanging up.

" you ready to go dior?" I asked her as I stood up going to get my purse and shoes.

after that me and dior got inside my car and I didn't have to put nothing inside it cause dior is trained.

we arrived at petsmart.

" what a cute doggy." A lady said looking at her then I notice it was the lady that said she was my auntie.

" oh hey." I said surprised because looked healthily and clean.

" you never called me girl." She chuckled and I noticed she had a dog with her.

" I'm not gone lie, I really did forget. You have a car now? A house?" I asked being nosey.

" I have a car it's not nice and it break down every 5 secs but I'm grateful and no I don't have a house im staying in a shelter. i do have a job tho so ima work hard to get an apartment or something." She explained.

" im proud of you." I smiled.

" thank you, you think i could see your dad today?" She asked shyly.

" yeah, let me take her inside here then you can follow me to his house." I told her and she nodded walking to her car.

when I went inside I got 2 outfits,dog bowls, toys and more for her.

as I was inside I called my dad making sure he wasn't leaving the house any time soon.

I let him know that I was bringing someone too.

but anyways I spent like 300 dollars on this shit for this dog and she better play with every toy I done bought.

I walked outside with dior seeing my " aunt" still outside.

i put dior in the car then walked over to her car. " okay you ready? & can you tell me your name?" I asked.

" yeah and it's lena." She said and I nodded walking to my car.


" okay you ready?" I asked her holding dior because we was at my daddy house and I was getting ready to open the door.

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