Chapter 1: Arrival and Origami (Rewrite)

Start from the beginning

??? : You remind me of my childhood friend that died in that disaster... I won't let you go again. Even though you are a spirit...

Griseo : *eyes widen* How did you know ?!

??? : I have my ways. If you are truly here I hope you got your memory back soon.

She then releases me from her hug. I look up to see a gray-hair girl looking down at me. Then something clicked in my mind, and I realized who she is, Origami. Suddenly I got a memory flash in my mind, it was me and a woman in what I assume was an astral dress, I can't see her figure clearly because it was blurry. It seems the unknown figure picked me up and hugged me.

 Another memory came out this time it was me and that gray-haired girl that just hug me playing together. In that memory, I then said Origami to the gray-haired girl. So I assume that Origami is her name.

A/n: To make it more clear, Origami had another childhood friend besides Shido. But sadly she died during the spirit disaster which destroyed Origami's childhood friend's house. After seeing Griseo, Origami got reminded of her childhood friend because Griseo's appearance is almost the same as her childhood friend. But someone messes with Y/n reincarnation process making Y/n also have an Origami childhood friend's soul. That means Griseo, Y/n, and Origami's childhood memory merge. That's why that Y/n is having memory flash.

Griseo: I am? I can't remember fully... Ori...

The gray-haired girl who is known as Origami has her eyes widen. It looks like she is shocked after calling her by I assume her nickname. She then pulls me again in a tight hug.


Griseo: Uh...

Origami: Come on let's go get something to eat. We have a lot to catch up on. 

She then releases me from her tight hug and takes my hand and starts dragging me with her to a restaurant nearby. 

Griseo: Ori you don't need to drag m-

I then proceed to get dragged by Origami toward a restaurant. 

Meanwhile in Fraxinus

3rd Person Pov

A certain blue-hair boy is seen entering a command center of an airship. Kotori the commander of the airship then speaks.

Shido: Why did you call me, I was taking care of Yoshino. She was very clingy to me.

Kotori: Well, there is a new spirit that just appeared in Tengu City Park. But it seems Origami has beaten us to it. 

Shido: How?

Kotori: You forgot that she is a part of the AST. 

Shido: So what shall we do now?

Kotori: You can still catch up to her. Just intercept her outside the park. 

Kotori: Try convincing Origami to let you speak to [Artist]

Kotori: Now go we don't have much time. 

Kotori then proceeds to teleport Shido to the outside of Tengu city park. There he encounters Origami dragging someone by her hand. 

Shido: Hey, there Origami. 

Origami Pov

Origami: Damn it why does he must be here now

Origami: I like being with Shido, but this is not the right time.

Shido: Oh? Who is this girl Origami? Hello there.

I just stay silent, I can't let him have her too. After all, she might be my childhood friend that somehow, survive and got turned into a spirit. 

Reincarnated As Griseo In Date A Live [REWRITE IS OUT]Where stories live. Discover now