Chapter 26: A battle is coming...

Start from the beginning

"Well, that's good it is important for them to stay mental considering what has happened to them." Gordon said. "But in order to succeed in this battle ahead of us we are going to need all the men we can get."

"Your right about that Major." Nick said. "BTW how is your recruitment plan coming along?"

"It's going pretty well; we are expected to start recruiting the locals in Vale within a couple of months." Gordon explained. The idea of recruiting from the local population within the kingdom to boost their numbers. The Major had spoken to Ozpin about this and thought that it was a good idea to ensure the kingdoms security. Apart from that students from Beacon could also decide to enlist if they were interested and gain more benefits. The headmaster even convinced the council to provide funding for the idea as they saw it as a necessary for the kingdom. "We've also secured contracts with some weapon companies to produce the weapons we need the most."

"These new weapons are the so-called AR-15 platform I've heard about?" Michael asked.

"That's correct, mostly M4's and M16A4's." Gordon answered. "Once we have enough of those, we will replace most of the old wooden rifles we have."

"And the ammunition for them as well?" Michael asked.

"Well for the time being, we have had a couple of military supply convoy's shown up here on Remnant with ammunition and fuel to last us at least a few months." Gordon explained. "We've also had a plan for our small fleet of ships that have turned up in the past few weeks."

"Well, that's good major." Nick said. 

"Anyways, I hope you two have been keeping a low profile around Cinder and her underlings?" Gordon asked.

"Yes sir." They both replied. 

"We are sure to only chat a little bit with them and not to make too much conversation." Nick said.

"Good, as long as we can make them think they still have the advantage." Gordon said. "We can then catch them off guard and stop them before they even make it to Beacon." 

"They won't even see it coming." Michael said.

"That will be all you two, you are dismissed." Gordon said as the two marines then stood up and saluted him before leaving him alone in his office to deal with some paperwork. But as he went about going through the paperwork on his desk he noticed that there was one that stood out. It was a small envelope with only his name written on the back of it. Opening it up he unfolded the paper that was inside of it as it read;

'I know what you think you're doing is the right thing Major, 

But for the sake of the timeline, you have to let Beacon fall, too much could change the fate of Remnant in a bad way. I cannot tell you who I am but know this, if you do go through with whatever plan you made to prevent the fall of Beacon me and my team will be there to ensure its downfall. I hope you can forgive us in time and if not, oh well. I'll see you and your Marines on the battlefield Major.'


After reading this short message Major Gordon was then starting to question as to who wrote him this letter. However, he shook his head and ripped up the letter throwing the shreds of paper in the trashcan. Getting back to the paperwork on his desk he didn't know that someone was watching him from a distance through some binoculars. The person in camouflage then put his hand to his ear before talking to someone on the other side.

"Sir the major just tore up you're warning." The guy said. 

"I thought he would." A voice on the other side said.

"Why bother with the warning if you knew he was going to rip it up?" The spy guy asked.

"Maybe to try and make him reconsider, but I guess he doesn't have the bigger understanding to the timeline." The guy on the other side said. 

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