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(Dean's POV)

I pushed the door open to the lounge. The large door that reached way up towards the ceiling above me creaked open. I cringed at the sound but pushed forward. Where is Skylar? Is she avoiding me again? I pout as I find her at a table with a magic pad. It's an artist invention. It's used to bring drawings to life, jumping off the page before you in a holographic form almost.

"What do you want?" She snarls at me. I frown.

"I just wanted to be with you." I say honestly. This is the only time I shall admit my loneliness to her. Or anyone really. No one should know that the future Duke is weak with such emotions. She stares at me for a silent moment. It's almost too loud in this room. I look down at my feet and bite my lip. I then look back up to her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I know it's not right for me to feel lonely without you, but I can't help it. If it annoys you, I can go. I promise to not bother you for the rest of the day, if you wish." I tried to quickly backtrack. Maybe I've become a bother. I can't allow my one and only Guardian to think of me as annoying anymore. It hurts too much. And I cannot allow any one to know my weaknesses. Such stupid emotions that wouldn't make a good Duke.

"..." it's still silent. I quickly turn and make my way to the door once more. Maybe I shouldn't have come to find her at all. I shouldn't have told her anything. I'm a fool. I feel a tight hand grab my wrist. I am turned around roughly and quickly, making me stumble. Her form is still so much bigger than mine. Us being only 15 means nothing still. She will stay taller than me, I know. It's the way her species are. All of them are much larger in stature and height than us humans. I am constantly reminded of how weak I am. I look up into her eyes. They look sad.

"Okay, you can stay. Just be quiet." She turns away and let's go of my wrist. She sits back down before her art piece. I sit beside her in the other chair.

"And please don't get in my way." She whispered to me. I nodded silently. I stared at her. She was quite beautiful. Long and wavy shoulder length hair, half purple half black locks of perfection framing her face. Her eyes were each a different color. The right was a vibrant magenta, the left an electric blue. Her completion was littered with flecks of dark little splotches, it made her even more beautiful. Her lips were full but pulled into a tight line, no frown or smile. She has tanned skin, a perfect rosiness to her cheeks and nose.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" She asks. I jump.

"You are just so pretty! I can't help it!" I try to smile but it feels too nervous and wiggly on my lips. Like it's worming around with anxiety like me. Sky blushes at my words.

"Shut up! You're so weird. You know no one likes me, right?" She asks. The nervousness melts instantly and my lips frown in confusion.

"W-what? Why? I like you a lot. I think you're cool and really pretty." I look into her eyes. She looks into mine.

"No one likes me because they say I'm broken." She tells me.

"Broken?" I look her over, "you look fine to me."

"No, not outside, idiot! My powers! I'm broken because I'm really weak! They said it's not right. They said that I can't be like that or else they'll have to get rid of me, like my older brother..." she begins to cry, eyes watering then tears falling down faster than any rain I've seen. I lunge forward and hug her to me tightly, pushing her head into my shoulder, squeezing her in my arms. I want to squeeze all that pain out of her. I want to hug her for life. Make all those bad things those bad people said to go away. She squeezes back, her body shook with all her crying. Her whole body was moving with each breath and each loud sob.

"I-I don't w-wanna die! I-I don't wanna!" She cried out. I began to cry too. I can't let her die! I don't want her to die!

"It's okay. You won't die. I promise! I'll protect you too! Once I'm a Duke, I'll sentence everyone who hurt you to be banished forever! I'll keep you with me no matter what, Sky! I promise!" I exclaim. She pulled back quickly and her eyes were wide and wet and determined looking.

"I will too! I promise to love you forever, no matter what, Dean!" She yells into my face. My eyes widen too, my jaw falls open. Love me? Forever? I blush deep red.

"I-I love you too! Okay, we will stay together forever! I'll marry you, Sky! Then we can be together forever and you can be powerful like me too in society!" I promise her once more, excitement racing up my body as I stare into her glowing and perfect eyes. She feels warm. She puts her forehead to mine. I stare at her as she closes her eyes. I like looking at her. A lot.

"I love you..." she whispers, sniffling slightly. I rub the back of her head under her hair.

"I love you too- are you purring?" I ask, listening closely. She nods slightly.

"I'm happy. Guardians make noises similar to cats and dogs. Your touch feels really nice." She purrs out happily. I blink and blush at this. I watch as her tail behind her wags on the marble floor. The soft fluffy end then comes up and wraps around my waist, pulling me closer to her.

"You are the first person to ever accept me. Just wait until you see my powers." She said and stood, I stand too. She leads me out of the room. Her fingers intertwined with mine.

"Where are we going?" I ask, running along side her now.

"To the royal garden. Get ready to be impressed." She smiles. I can't help but be amazed at the first smile I had ever seen cross her face...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2022 ⏰

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