Sokeefe and the friendship that is Keefe and Ro! (AKA chapter 1)

Start from the beginning

Sophie giggled, "I'll just let you handle your bodyguard, love you!" He patted his chest and kissed his cheek before stepping into the light, taking her back to her home.

Keefe rolled his eyes and turned around to a smirking Ro standing and pushing a beach swing with one of her claws. "What are you doing here Ro. Aren't you supposed to be helping your dad conflict pain on your enemies or something."

After the Neverseen was finally defeated after a tiring amount of months, and emotional and physical wounds, the bodyguards had a choice if they wanted to stay with there charge, and Ro picked going back home, but she said, and he quotes, "'I'll visit when my idiot gets in trouble and when Hunkyhair finally works up the courage to propose to Blondie here.'"

When she said that it made both Keefe and Sophie blush like a tomato, but Ro just smirked and waved before she was whisked into the light with conciliar Oralie holding on to her muscly arm.

"Ehh, as much as I hate this sparkly town, I needed to see my favorite Hunkyhair, so here I am. And my Team Foster-Keefe senses told me that you were gonna propose, hopefully with a super dramatic speech."

Keefe narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, "I have no idea what your talking about." He tried to make his voice not waver, but Ro raised her eyebrows, and he knew he failed. That usually happened when anyone talked to him about proposing.

"Okay, maybe I am, but not with the dramatic speech, I want it simple. And this is big, Ro, this is a whole freaking proposal we're talking about, I don't know what to do if she says no, and I definitely don't don't know what to do if she says yes, and if she does, I—"

"Hunkyhair, will you just shut up for a minute and breath, I don't think this rambling is helping you, so just take deep breaths and close your eyes, and image when she says yes."

"When, Ro, it's an if, not a when. I have no idea if she'll actually want to live her future with this." He gestured to himself.

Ro rolled her eyes in a over exaggerated way. "It's a when, and of course she wants to live with you. Sure, your annoying, but—and I think I'm saying this on her behalf— your sweet and caring, and your still reckless and impulsive, but also selfless, and I've seen the way she looks at you like she wants to have you in your future, get married and have little baby Foster-Keefe's running around"—

"Okay, you can stop now, thank you," he said, pushing Ro aside, "I don't want to go that far when I'm not even sure she'll say yes."

Ro sighed, "I really hope you don't believe that, because she. Will. Say. Yes, I just know it, so can you not get so depressed and go tell her already, will you?"

Keefe wrapped his arms around himself, "I don't have a ring, and I definitely don't know how I'm gonna do it."

"Well, how about you go talk to some of your other elfy friends about it, like Lady Sparkles and Golden Boy. And bring me with you, since I want to see there're reactions. I'm betting money that Biana will squeal and drag you to The underwater overly sparkly city—seriously, how many sparkles do you have?— and help you pick out a ring."

Keefe looked out at the water splashing against the surf, and decided that he was gonna tell her, but Ro was right, he needed to talk to Biana and Fitz. Fitz will probably help with the proposal, along with Dex, since they were already married, and Biana.....Biana will probably want to be the wedding planner, which was alright with him, he just hoped that she wouldn't go over bored with it.

"Okay, I think I am, and I don't think I can force you to stay here, so your coming too, but don't go all Wedding Planner on me too, okay?"

Ro sighed and laughed somehow at the same time., "No promises," she said innocently, not reliving his thumping heart at all, but he knew he wouldn't get any solid answers from her anyway, so he grabbed Ro's hand and fetched a Crystal to Everglen— he had it for who knew how long—out of his pocket. Hoping that he didn't regret anything in the future.

Here we go!

So hope that good and you enjoyed it. Next chapter will be Keefe, Biana, Ro, Fitz and Dex talking about him proposing too Foster, and I assure you, it will be worth it when you read it.
And yes, they're will be Sophie's POV in the future, but right now I'm sticking with Hunkyhairs.

Anything else.....oh yeah, and I decided I'll ask you at least one question every end of a chapter, so here you go.

What's your favorite thing to do when your not reading and writing?

I'll also do a quote each chapter, and you'll have to guess who said it. The quotes will mostly be from KOTLC, but some others mixed in there as well, here's the first quote:

"Sparkles make everything better."

Who said it?

1566 words

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