fourteen part one ;>

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Gareth ran through the woods. Sweat dripped down his face as he kept looking back in fear of whatever he ran in to.

A loud roaring type sound ran his blood cold even as he ran. All he wanted to do was find his best friend but now he's running from a monster?

What the fuck?

Earlier Today


A branch broke under Gareth's foot. It was getting dark outside and he has been searching for hours now.

"There has to be something..." He muttered under his breath.

He didn't exactly know what he was searching for in the first place...maybe he didn't even want to find what he is unconsciously searching for. He didn't know it, but this is exactly how Mike, Dustin, and Lucas went searching for their missing friend all those years ago.

Gareth looked at the ground in annoyance. He kept walking and walking until finally he bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry ma-" Gareth started.

He stared at the ground and stood still. There were these feet...disgusting creature like looking things. He slowly took a step back and looked up. Spit and goop blew in his face as it screamed.

Before Gareth could process what exactly was happening, he began to run. His legs gained a mind of its own and kept moving forward.

"Shit shit shit!" Gareth choked out.

He wiped his tears away as he ran, "I HAVENT EVEN HAD MY FIRST KISS YET AND IMMA DIE? BULLSHIT!"

The present

That's how this goose chase began. Street lights appeared in the distance and Gareth ran faster. The creature was right behind him, hunting its pray.

Gareths foot hit the dark pavement. A sense of relief that lasted only a second before he saw the alien thing walk out of the woods. Gareth took slow steps back and prayed to the gods that he'd live.


A loud pang echoed through the night sky and a screech came right after. Though not the screech of the creature....but one from a car.


Gareth wasted no time and hopped into the back seat. Once they sped away he took a good look at the two in the front. They were arguing at a time like this?

"I swear to God you're bad luck." The passenger said.

The driver just drove faster, "Hey I didn't know this was gonna happen!"

A scoff came out, "I was enjoying my evening before you came pounding on my front door telling me you got shit to tell me about?"

"Yeah and I still do! Me and Dustin found some shit!" The driver yelled.

The passenger eyes widen, "If it's a demoslug I will kill you both."

The driver just laughed and Gareth took the moment to fake cough.

"Oh right! Hi I'm Robin." Gareth shook the hand in front of him.

"This dimwit is Steve." Harrington waved and kept his eyes on the rode.

Gareth couldn't understand why they were not surprised about the alien, or why Steve Harrington saved him, Gareth honestly couldn't understand anything.

This was only the beginning of Gareths worries...

Something much more worrisome was after him now.



nd of chapter 14 pt.1

So sorry for the long wait guys!! I've been back in school and working on my criminal justice essays! Hope you can forgive me 🙏🏻🤧

I love you all so very much! Thank you for sticking around through these stressful time, I love you all 💞💞💞

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