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Boma spent a restless evening, overwhelmed with anxiety in her hostel. Lying on her bed, her thoughts were consumed with worry.

Since being forced to separate from Fidelis, she hadn't heard a word from him. Her numerous calls went unanswered, and he never returned them. The messages she left on his phone also remained without a response.

Her concern for Fidelis's safety fueled her relentless attempts to reach him. She was desperate to know if he was alright, especially given how dangerous Donovan was.

Regretting that she didn't know enough about Fidelis to find out where he lived, she decided to check the library, but he wasn't there. She had hoped to see him during their evening class, but he was absent.

Anger surged through her as she imagined Donovan doing something bad to Fidelis. She hoped it wasn't true. Surely, he wouldn't hurt his cousin. Yet, the possibility that Donovan might not care about harming Fidelis infuriated her.

In frustration, she called Hilda, who was staying with her boyfriend off-campus for a few days. Boma intended to complain about the situation but ended up just checking on her friend instead, not wanting to ruin Hilda's day with her worries.

That afternoon, after class, she stood outside the lecture theater, her anger simmering as she searched for a solution.

A male student approached and tried to make small talk by complimenting her looks. She ignored him. He called her a prude and moved on, but she didn't care. She wasn't interested in making friends or starting a relationship.

Boma managed to get through the day, but the next morning, she woke up with a determined look on her face. She had decided to take action, no matter the consequences.

The light of dawn seeped into the hostel room as she rubbed her bleary eyes and walked to the window, where a pearly glow painted the sky. She tried Fidelis's number again for a final check. It rang, but there was no response, as usual.

Firm in her decision, she prepared for the day and headed out. Her determination led her to the estate where Donovan lived.

At the gate, the security guard asked for a pass, and she told him she was going to Donovan's apartment.

"Is he expecting you?" the guard asked.

"Yes, he is," she replied, catching a hint from his question that Donovan was home. She knew she had to take her chances of being let inside to see him.

The estate had a shuttle park, so she didn't have to worry about walking to Donovan's apartment once she was let in. The security guard regarded her more closely and seemed to recognize her.

"Aren't you his girlfriend?" he asked.

She was speechless at first but quickly snapped out of it. "I'm his friend," she corrected.

"Okay, I will confirm. Just following protocols, alright?" he said.

"I understand," she replied.

She waited as he made a call, informing Donovan that a friend was there to see him. The guard looked at her expectantly, so she gave him her name and heard him mention it to Donovan.

Boma braced herself to be turned away but stood her ground. She was already there, and if she didn't see him now, she would find another way. Enough was enough.

After listening for a few seconds, the guard said, "Okay," and ended the call. "You can go in," he told her.

Surprised by the easy admission, she walked into the estate. She hailed a shuttle, gave the driver the address, and he took her to Donovan's gate. She expected to find his guys outside but instead found Donovan alone at the small gated entrance.

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