Drunk in love (4/4) 🍋

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Thank you for your kinds words on the last a/n 🥰 I ended up getting an 8 on my dissertation 🙈

(art from @hakjki92 on twitter)

Kakashi's POV:

She looked into my eyes when I said those words, and my heart stopped. I didn't know what she'd say or what her reaction would be, but strangely enough, I didn't regret saying it. I loved her, I had done for years, and I was tired of pretending I didn't. It felt liberating, and for the first time, when I saw her beautiful (e/c) eyes look into mine, I didn't feel wrong.

She seemed to blush, although to be fair, her cheeks were already adorably red. I know I shouldn't find her cute when drunk but... gosh, she made my whole body tremble. Especially when she sluggishly leaned up from my neck. She had to support herself on my chest, and I made sure she didn't fall off the couch by holding her steady by her hips. But to be honest, I was so mesmerized by her, that I could have been the one to fall. 

She then clumsily moved her hands to my neck, provoking more shivers to run down my spine. And then, her hands hooked with my mask and unmasked me. I didn't resist, even if I was starting to feel shy at the thought of her seeing me again, especially from that close. 

When her hands caressed my cheeks I felt my heart burning and melting into my chest, I closed my eyes, indulging myself in the feeling. And when I opened them, she kissed me. 

I was so surprised my hands let go of her, scared as if somehow it had been me the one to kiss her. 'She couldn't have kissed me, why would she?' That's what I had always thought. But no, this time she had kissed me, and unlike last time, I was able to enjoy it. Especially when her soft lips moved against mine, and her initially tender peck started turning into a heated kiss. 

I had dreamed of this for years, fantasized about her and how it'd feel to kiss her. But when she slipped her tongue between my lips, I still moaned against her mouth. My body shivered when she pushed herself against my body, and I didn't waste a second to secure her better, wrapping my arms tightly around her body.

I had never experienced something like this, and right now, I felt as if I had met heaven. I had waited so long for this and thought it so impossible, that my body started reacting and moving on its own. My hands moved from her hips to her lower back, pressing her against me more, and when her hands moved to my neck and buried in my hair... I couldn't control myself and bit her lip. She smiled, and it only made the fire in me grow. Especially when she moved her kisses down my jaw and neck where she started licking and sucking. She was driving me crazy, and I was slowly losing control. But it was right because of this that, suddenly, the bit of common sense I had left in me took the reigns. 

"Wait..." I exhaled with difficulty due to how much I was loving this. She didn't seem to stop and kept leaving small love bites over my neck. I had to bite my lip and shut my eyes tightly to not give in to her "Wait... (Y/n)," I almost moaned when she bit harder on my neck as a complaint. She leaned away and I pushed her slightly "You're drunk..." 

She looked at my eyes with a bit of her hair falling messily over her face. Her (e/c) eyes then moved down and she bit her lip, making me swallow. 

"Doesn't matter," she answered over my wet lips, latching hers with mine again. And again, her temptation almost made me lose myself in desire. 

"It does..." I managed to say, backing away from her. 

I wanted this, I really wanted this, and I couldn't stop thinking about how farther we could get if we continued like this... just from the thought everything in me burned. But as much as I wanted, I couldn't let this happen when she was... not in her right mind. I wouldn't feel good about myself if she did this because she was under the influence of alcohol. 

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