Chapter 2

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~the next day~
I am hanging out with Mike in his room. I want to talk to him about us, not breaking up just talking about wanting us to be together more.
'Mike' i say
'I want to talk to you about something'
'Why do we never hang out together anymore? Like you always ditch me and it's really upsetting me'
'What are you talking about?'
'We aren't as close as we used to be'
'Okay so?'
'So?!?! Mike you make me feel like you don't love me!'
'What?! Of course i love you!'
'Well i don't feel that love..!' My voice cracked
He rolled his eyes at me
I got up from his bed and just stood there
He stood up and just looked at me 'what do you want me to do?'
'Be there more' tears formed in my eyes
'You are just so clingy'
'Clingy?..' i started to cry
'Yes Eleven! I don't want to be with you all the damn time!'

I stormed out of his room and ran out the from door crying. I ran to Max's house because my dads home and he knows i went over to Mikes house and if i came home crying he will know something happened. I knocked on Max's door and she answers.
'El? Are you okay?'
'It's Mike..'
She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside 'what did he do to you?'
'He called me clingy when i spoke to him about me and him not being as close as before'
'Come on. I'll make us some ice cream and we'll watch a movie okay?' She wiped my tears
I nodded and i sat down on the couch

Funny how my best friend makes me happier than my own boyfriend does. I am so grateful for Max, she always has me when nobody else does. She really cheered me up today and made me forget about Mike for awhile. I love her. In a best friend way of course. We spent the rest of the day hanging out with Her boyfriend Lucas. Afterwards i went home and my mood kinda dropped. My dad made me some pizza and we watched some tv together. I went to bed thinking about Mike and thought about if i deserved better.

~in the morning~
Mike hasn't called my walkie talkie. He usually does it non stop even if we don't argue. They were the good days. The days where he actually loved me. You know what i don't need him just like he obviously doesn't need me. Max told me not to waste my tears on him so i won't.

I'm going back to school tomorrow so that's good i guess. I kinda wish me and mike went to the same school—no eleven stop thinking about him. I washed some clothes for tomorrow and hung them over the bench outside the cabin because we don't have a clothes line. Then i washed the dishes, sweeped the floor then rested. I decided to head down to the book store to get some books to read because I'm bored. I got some comics and was looking for a book that caught my eye. All Romance books are the same. Girl and boy meet, fall in love and that's it. I wonder if there's any unusual love stories out there. I paid for my comics and went back home to read them. I really like Comics because of Max because she introduced me to them and ever since I've been buying them. Max is the cause of most of my interests. She always introduces me to new things. Max is into a lot of cool things like video games & skateboarding, i want her to teach me how to skateboard so we can skateboard together. Suddenly my walkie talkie went off so i picked it up and it was Max. I'm so happy she called.

~The next day at school~
I entered the school and was immediately greeted with a corridor full of students talking, laughing some of them even kissing.
'Janee!' Max called

People here call me Jane because my dad couldn't put down Eleven or El so in school its Jane. Me and Max gathered our books and went off to class. In class i always feel stared at. I secretly get bullied. I don't tell anybody about it because i don't want to worry anybody. After class Max told me to go ahead of her so i did even though i'm scared of being alone in school.


I was slammed against a locker and was surrounded by a gang.
'You thought you could get away without seeing us today?' Sarah chewed her gum loudly
'Just leave me alone' i say
'Awh she's speaking up for herself guys' Sarah said then they all laughed

I just stood there with my back up against the locker and my arms tightly around my books. As they were making fun of me and calling me all different names until Sarah was shoved onto the floor.
'Now what do you think your doing?' Max said
'What does it look like I'm doing ginger'
Max slapped her across the face then pulled me away. Sarah then caught up to us and jumped on top of Max.
'get off me! We can continue this outside!'
'Oh yeah? Then lets take it outside'
'No Max!'
'Stay there Jane' she bolted outside with Sarah

I didn't stay. I followed. Students were standing in a circle around them in the courtyard.
'You sure you wanna do this Maxine?' Said Sarah
'I'm 100% sure' Max held her fists up in a boxing position

Sarah threw a punch and got Max right in the face. Max tackled her to the ground and punched her multiple times. Max was then pinned down but it wasn't long before Max's teeth latched onto Sarahs arm. Max bit down on her arm as Sarah screamed loudly. Sarah was able to get Max to stop biting her and when she did her and Max went at each other like Animals. I swore I saw blood flying. Finally a teacher came out and stopped them. Sarah had a huge bike mark with blood on her arm. And she was holding her nose so i assume its broken or really hurt. Max had a black eye, bloody nose and she was covered in bruises. The teacher dragged them both inside and demanded the rest of us go back to class. After school i went straight to Max's house because she was sent home early. She let me inside and she just looked destroyed she told me shes suspended for a week which saddens me because shes my only friend at school.
'I did it all to protect you El'
'Max you didn't have too'
'No i did'

We both stayed in for the day and she helped me with my homework.

Girls like girls (elmax ff) (SHORT FF) Where stories live. Discover now