The Ten Walkers:

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I was awoken by a soft click of a door. Legolas leaned over me. "Melleth, time to wake up. I fear we are in for a long day." I rolled over. "I'm nervous."

"As am I." He stood and passed me a plate with eggs and toast on it. Which I devoured. I pulled on my leather leggings and tunic shirt with my leather corset once more. I strapped my dagger to my thigh and put another in my boot. I left the rest of my weapons in the room. Legolas leaned against the door.

"Come on, we need to leave. We'll be late."

"What's the magic password?" He smirked.

I kissed him. He opened the door. "There, now we can leave." We walked hand in hand through the stone archways of the Rivdenll before assembling with some others in a circular, outdoor, council room. A stone table stood in the center with chairs positioned around it. Some men eyed me as I walked passed but quickly turned their eyes away when Legolas shot them a look. One, in particular, seemed to hold his gaze. A taller man with reddish-brown hair. He was dressed in red and black. I cowered slightly. Legolas smiled and whispered in my ear. "Ignore them. I got you."

Gandalf and Frodo sat next to us. The dwarves filed in next. Legolas sighed annoyedly. One of the dwarves was Gloin. The dwarf my husband had arrested sixty years prior. This was going to be awkward.

Lord Elrond stood. "Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle Earth stands upon the brink of destruction, none can escape it. You will unite or you will fall, each race is bound to this fate. This one doom. Bring forth the ring Frodo."

I gasped lightly when I saw the small hobbit place the gold object on the stone surface. Sounds of shock could be heard from several others. I noticed Aragorn eyed the other man strangely. Frodo took his seat with a frown. Legolas stared at the ring with a look of pure, cold, fear. I squeezed his fingers.

The brown-haired man stood. "In a dream, I saw the eastern sky grow dark. A pale light lingered and a voice was crying, Dooms near at hand!" He stepped slowly towards the ring. "Isildur's bain is found."

Gandalf and Elrond looked over at each other. Legolas was tense and my heart thumped so loud I could hear it.

He reached for the ring. "Isildur's bain."

Elrond snapped. "Boromir!"

Gandalf began to chant in a dark, horrid language that made my head shatter with pain. I clenched my jaw and Legolas squeezed my hand hard. The sky darkened and thunder rumbled. Elrond covered his eyes and Legolas looked sick. Frodo set his eyes on the ring and looked very, very, nervous. Boromir sat down and the light returned.

"Never before has a voice uttered those words here in Imladris."

Gandalf breathed. "I do not ask your pardon master Elrond. That the speech of Mordor may be heard in every corner of the world! That ring is altogether evil."

Boromir made a hand motion. "It is a gift! A gift from the foes of Mordor! Why do we not use this ring? Long has my father, steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people are your lands kept safe." He stated. "Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy! Let us use it against him!"

"You cannot wield it. None of us can!" Aragorn said. "The one ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master."

"And what would a mere ranger know of this matter?"

Legolas shot out of his seat. "This is no mere ranger! This is Aragorn son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance."

" This is Aragorn? Isildur's heir?"

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