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❝This scene locked me upThe sequence that's like forever❞

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❝This scene locked me up
The sequence that's like forever❞


Y/n rolled her eyes in exasperation as she took a seat across from her captor, who appeared surprisingly calm as she flipped through the pages of a book. The atmosphere in the room was tense, yet the woman seemed unfazed, her demeanor betraying no hint of remorse for her actions.

Glancing around the room, y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settling over her. The walls seemed to close in, suffocating her with their oppressive silence. Yet, amidst the tension, there was a strange calmness about the woman sitting before her.

"Glaring won't do you any good, sweetheart," the woman finally spoke, her voice surprisingly gentle despite the circumstances. "If you have questions, just ask."

Y/n couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration at the woman's nonchalant demeanor.

"Who are you?"

With a wide smile, the woman set her book aside, clearly pleased with y/n's question. "I'm Yuki," she introduced herself cheerfully, extending her hand in a gesture of greeting. "Nice to meet you, y/n." Her grin was infectious, though y/n couldn't shake off the lingering sense of uncomfortableness despite the seemingly friendly exchange.

As y/n continued to gaze at her, declining the handshake, Yuki awkwardly withdrew her hand, a hint of discomfort flickering across her features.

"What do you want from me?"

"Simple, I want to help you," Yuki replied, her tone calm despite y/n's increasing annoyance.

"Help me with what exactly?" the h/cnette scoffed, her skepticism evident in her voice.

Yuki maintained her grin, seemingly unsurprised by y/n's reaction.

"I want to help you avoid your brutal ending," she stated, her tone still calm and composed.

Y/n was taken aback by Yuki's statement. Confusion clouded her mind as she struggled to comprehend the implications.

"Don't you find it strange that a deity would violate celestial laws just to aid a mortal in their demise?" she questioned, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Yuki rose from her seat, pacing around y/n like a predator closing in on its prey.

"Perhaps you never considered the consequences, now that your wish has been fulfilled," she remarked, her tone carrying a hint of disdain.

"But I never told anyone about this. How do you know—"

"How do I know that you're not from this world?" Yuki interrupted, finishing the sentence with a smirk.

With a suspicious glare, y/n raised her guard, sensing there was more to Yuki's words than met the eye.

"It's quite evident," Yuki began, her voice laced with a hint of boredom, "Your aura exudes a remarkable purity, untainted by any form of corruption. It's a telltale sign that you don't belong to this world."

The casualness of Yuki's explanation belied the gravity of the situation, as if she were discussing the weather rather than the mysterious origins of the girl she kidnapped.

"I suppose that's why they're so obsessed with you," the brunette mused, her gaze drifting toward the window, lost in thought.

"Obsessed?" Y/n echoed, her brows furrowing in confusion.

"Haven't you noticed? The people you converse with or even look at keep on vanishing into thin air just after they meet you. Does it ever cross your mind how and why they disappear?" Yuki's tone carried a sense of urgency, her eyes boring into y/n's with intensity.

Yuki's fury simmered beneath the surface, boiling with a ferocity that surpassed mere anger. She wasn't just incensed by y/n or the deranged individuals who snatched away innocent lives, but by the deity who exploited mortals' desperate desires for their own amusement.

In her eyes, they weren't divine beings, but malevolent entities cloaked in false benevolence.

Y/n fell into a somber silence, the weight of Yuki's words sinking deep into her heart. She couldn't shake off the guilt that washed over her for not realizing sooner and aiding the unfortunate souls who met their demise because of her unintended influence.

Reflecting on it now, she couldn't help but question why she hadn't noticed the possessive glances from Tanjiro and Nezuko before. During her bouts of illness, why hadn't she suspected the siblings, whose concern might have been veiled by darker intentions?

The realization struck her like a thunderbolt— the food they fed her, seemingly harmless, had been tampered with, laced with drugs to render her senseless. Yet, in her naivety, she had failed to discern the deceit. It was this blind trust that ultimately led to her demise in her previous life, a bitter truth she couldn't deny.

"This world is cursed by the divinity's influence," Yuki spoke out, breaking the silence.

Yuki's words pierced the heavy silence, bringing to light the unsettling truth of the divine meddling in mortal affairs.

"So, you're suggesting that Tanjiro and Nezuko weren't always under this influence?" Y/n questioned, her mind racing to make sense of the revelation.

"They were once ordinary people, living peacefully until they were ensnared by the whims of a capricious deity," Yuki explained, her fists clenched tightly, drawing blood from her palms.

Y/n, her determination ignited by newfound knowledge, approached Yuki with purpose. "Is there a way to end this cycle?" she asked, her voice firm with resolve.

"With every puzzle, there's a solution, and thankfully I've found ours," Yuki remarked, a smirk playing on her rosy lips, as she turned to face Y/n.

" better rest up, the final selection awaits us."


♡︎𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬♡︎

• "Where is she?!"

• Yuki Can Hide Her True Emotions But Around Y/n her Mask Keeps Falling Apart.

• Tanjiro Has Started His Training

• The Rest Of The Hashiras Are
Curious About The H/c nette That Used To Live In The Butterfly Mansion.

• After Missions Shinobu Spends The Rest Of Her Day Looking For Y/n.

Yuki isn't what she seems to be.

Thank you guys soooooo much for 1K views, y'all don't know how delighted and happy I am!

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