Chapter 15

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Aurora had recounted all of her previous life to the Jade Winglet. They were speechless when she had finished. She had shown them the prophecy and what she had figured out about it. Everybody went to bed, but there were night shifts. Aurora and Winter were on night watch to make sure that none of the teachers from JMA (Jade Mountain Academy) discovered them. 

Aurora gazed up into the night sky, watching the clouds move ever so slowly across the galaxy. The entire scene looked like a painting, with the stars splayed across the canvas. Aurora remembered painting in her previous life. 

She was quite good and she enjoyed painting animals. Winter sat next to her, scanning his eyes across the night sky, thinking deeply. He turned and looked at Aurora, nervously shuffling his wings. 

"You don't think anybody will get killed? If the queen finds out about... What's going on, she'll steal your power or keep you prisoner or do something awful. She really thinks she's going to win the war. She wants the war to continue. She doesn't want you messing up her plans unless she can use your powers for her own evil plans" Winter said, fear reflecting in his light blue eyes. 

Aurora sighed and started etching a drawing in the stone. "I think we'll be fine. Once we find Hailstorm, he'll help us find the secret NightWing palace. I can look into the future and find Hailstorm, but I can't look into the future and find the NightWing palace until we find Hailstorm." She said nervously stuttering. 

Aurora fiddled with her claws and waited for Winter's response. He was probably wondering what to think of the situation, as it was a difficult thing to take in all of what Aurora had said that night. He sighed and wrapped his wing around her. Aurora rested her head on his shoulder tiredly. 

"Okay. Sure. But if anybody finds out you're a hybrid, I'll have to do the diamond trail. Especially if the queen finds out we're... you know... " Winter whispered, hesitating. 

Aurora didn't speak. She didn't know what to say. She was just lost in thought, her actions leaving her body. She looked up at the perfectly round, bright moons in the sky. They were the same moons that she hatched for the first time under all those years ago. 

Sometimes the best moments spent with the dragons you love are spent silent... Aurora thought. "Hailstorm is north-west of here, imprisoned by Queen Scarlett. If we paralyse Queen Scarlett, we can rescue Hailstorm easily." She said, breaking the silence. 

Winter chewed on his tongue for a minute, pondering what to say. He decided to remain quiet, restoring the peace. Winter looked at her wings, his mouth agape. 

"Your wings! The stars and northern lights are moving!" Aurora chuckled. "The stars on her wings matched the positions of the stars above. The northern lights matched the northern lights in the Ice Kingdom, far away. "I know. That's how my wings work!" She smiled cheerfully. 

Winter nodded, quieting down. "I'm tired" She whispered, her wings drooping. She leaned closer into Winter, the world going black as she drifted off to sleep.

A/N: THANK YALL SO MUCH FOR 460 READS! THATS 410 MORE READS THAN I HOPED! :D. Anyway, sorry I haven't been updating because I have had loads of homework. Cya later!

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