Bakugou's Rising Respect

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Chapter 38

Once Katsuki faced Uraraka and once Present Mic finished introducing the challengers, Katsuki took a deep breath, closed his eyes and glared at her.

*Damn this... What the fuck.. She looks impossible to not look at. This fucking close! Shit!* Katsuki thought, he scrunched his nose a bit as he didn't like what he was feeling, he composed himself and remembered what he was there for, to crush her and win.

"Yo, you're the bitch that floats shit, right? Oi, I'm talking to you cheeks," Katsuki said rashly as Uraraka tensed up but softened as he remembered her quirk.

*C-Cheeks?! Round face earlier now, cheeks?!* Uraraka thought as she bit her lip, she didn't answer him causing him to furrow his brows. 

"If you're gonna withdraw, do it now, a simple "ouch" during the match won't cut through me," Katsuki added as Uraraka only kept silent and gritted her teeth.

"What was the counter strategy you came up for her?" Iida questioned Midoriya as he recalled the notebook he offered to Uraraka.

"Oh that, it's really not at all that brilliant but it's just that Kacchan is really strong and in a close combat battle, he got almost no possible openings," Midoriya explained, from six seats away from him, Kitsuki was trying to listen to their conversation.

"... And if you factor in the mobility his quirk gives him, he gets even stronger, that being said, it is true that he has maneuverability midair as well and if Uraraka can cause him to float then she can take the initiative from there," Midoriya continued as he also ended his explanation. Kitsuki chuckled when hearing his plan.

"And so that's why she needs to strike fast in order to make the plan work... That is if she took it," Midoriya said and Iida hummed in reply.

Present Mic began the match as yelled "START" and afterwards Uraraka immediately advanced toward Katsuki, who in time readied his stance.

"Withdraw you say? I'm sorry but I don't have that in my goals list!" Uraraka yelled as she showed a determined expression, Katsuki was stricken by what she said but didn't show it.

"If by small chance, he gets tapped, he'll start floating, so he won't want her to draw too close. So if Kacchan is thinking what I think he's thinking then yeah!" Midoriya exclaimed as he smiled seeing how close Uraraka was to Katsuki.

*What will she do next once he's in the air? Dumbass didn't think much through I believe* Kitsuki groaned in her thoughts as she watched Midoriya become so excited like a puppy about to receive his favorite treat. 

As Uraraka was nearly approaching him, Katsuki readied and began to swing his right arm, which Midoriya predicted in his thoughts as he recalled and took note of how Katsuki would strike.

Once Uraraka was reachable he immediately sent out an explosion toward her. The crowd immediately commented on his move.

"Holy crap! Is he really going all out on her?!" a pro hero questioned.

"... Against a female as his opponent!" another pro hero added.

Sheesh, this is bad! I know this is bad from the very beginning but I can't stop, not here!  Uraraka said in her thoughts as she blocked herself from the explosion Katsuki sent toward her.

"Right now... Die you floaty bitch," Katsuki muttered after he sent that explosion, he saw her and went to grab her.

"Don't underestimate--" Katsuki gasped as he felt the jacket instead of an actual body.

"WOHOO! She made her jacket as a decoy!" Present Mic exclaimed as he continued to root for her.

As Uraraka was in mid air, she tried to reach him but Katsuki swung his head to the side as he felt Uraraka try to reach him and sent another blast of his explosion, which sent Uraraka flying and hit the ground. She grunted as she hit the ground.

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