All Might pt.2

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Chapter 33

Todoroki and Midoriya faced each other in an empty dark hall, Todoroki gave out such an intense and serious glare, making Midoriya intimidated by his very glare.


Remembering Todoroki and Midoriya's last minute fight to victory, Midoriya finally used his quirk, causing Todoroki to be off guard and didn't expect Midoriya to attack him so suddenly. Not only did Todoroki's comprehension faltered but he also used his left side, the flames from his old man, which he hates up till this day. He was even disappointed by his victory.

"So uhm, what is it? What do you want to tell me?" Midoriya anxiously questioned.

"I-If we keep this up we won't be able to eat lunch.. A-And it'll be super crowded by the time we get there" Midoriya continued but he regretted every word as Todoroki continued to glare at him, a shadow going over his forehead. Realization hit him as he somehow felt a similar vibe from Todoroki's glare.

N-No way... This is way different from Kacchan! There's no point in talking to this guy... The atmosphere of intimidation is so much colder!  Midoriya thought as he gulped in nervousness.

"You blind-sided me..." Todoroki finally spoke, causing Midoriya to get cut off from his thoughts and anxiety.

"Which caused me to even break my own pledge to myself" Todoroki continued as he emphasized and clearly stated each word in his sentence. Midoriya had the chance to take a look at Todoroki's left hand, shoved inside his pocket.

*Point taken... he never used it, even if it would have helped him out... his left side that is..* Midoriya trailed and remembered the very moment not too long ago. He also recalled All Might's fight with the noumu back at the USJ incident; he worried Todoroki might have felt something during that last minute battle he had with Midoriya. Midoriya's thoughts then faded once he remembered what he was there for.

".....So uhm... what-- what is it you want to say?" Midoriya said nervously as Todoroki lifted his left hand and looked at it.

"I felt something... when you did that, it felt too familiar" Todoroki said with a serious and blank expression. He then looked at Midoriya with a glare which caused his heart to beat rapidly.

"Yo... are you All Might's illegitimate child or something?" Todoroki questioned with no interest in his tone and as usual with a blank expression. 

Realization hit him, Midoriya's eyes widened in shock and a sweat dropped down his face. So... this-- this is what it's about...!  Midoriya said in his thoughts, he then shook those thoughts and swatted Todoroki's ridiculous conclusion.

"H-Hey no y-you got it all wrong!" Midoriya said nervously. "Well I mean, of course that's what a secret son would say, so I get if you won't believe me but I swear that's not it!" Midoriya added to be sure his words would be believable and true because it is true, he's not All Might's child and isn't related to him whatsoever.

"Actually I'm going to ask you something... Why think of that? Why me..?" Midoriya questioned and Todoroki sighed.

"The way you said "that's not it" makes it sound like you're somehow connected to All Might that you won't spill out but..." Todoroki closed his eyes before he could continue "...Whatever that may be you should know about my father.. Endeavor". 

Midoriya shook as he was alarmed to finally know about Todoroki's relation to the heated and fiery pro hero.

"He's been the number 2 pro hero up till this day and if you have a connection to the number 1, then that means I need to win all the more" said Todoroki with a glare.

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