Curiosity about the Unknown

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Chapter 15


That was motive of these group of villains. To kill the Symbol of Peace.

"Sensei, what about the intruder alarm sensors?" Yaoyorozu questioned.

"We do have them set up, but..." No.13 answered although he hesitated.

"Hmm, is this the only part of the campus they invaded or are they attacking the others too?" Todoroki questioned as he watched the villains spread out on the field.

"Since it's not entirely an ambush if there is a carefully planned scheme behind it" Todoroki continued, ending his observation.

To think about it, the villains only infiltrated the USJ building where the heroics students are in. Ant not anyone else.

"Thirteen! Do the evacuation procedure and also contact the school" Aizawa handed out his instructions to No.13 and the students.

"Kaminari, try contacting the school using your quirk!" Aizawa said as Kaminari gulped.

"There must be a villain here who uses a quirk to turn off the sensors!" Aizawa added as he grit his teeth.

"Sensei, will you fight them off alone?!" Midoriya asked with worry in his tone.

"Even if you surpass all their quirks, there are just too many of them!" Midoriya had a point, causing Aizawa to stop in his tracks.

"Eraser Head's fighting style is to capture them after erasing their quirks! Are you sure you could do all?!" Midoriya was worried that Aizawa might be worn out and is trying to tell him they want to fight with him.

"A hero doesn't only have one trick up his sleeve" Aizawa stated as he looked at Midoriya and at the rest of them, he wanted to say something else but just decided to let No.13 handle things.

"No.13, I'm counting on you" and that was when Aizawa launched himself down the stairs. A couple of villains saw him approach and began to get ready.

"Alright! Fire squad this should be easy, here we go!" a villain said as he cackled evilly.

"Wait wasn't there supposed to be No.13 and All Might? Then who the hell is that?!" another villain questioned as he and his group continued to belittle Aizawa.

"Beats me, but he's seriously hurtling to fight us off by himself" another villain answered the previous villain who asked.

"Dumbass" the villain cackled, he fired his cannon but to his surprise it didn't fire anything.

"Huh?! Nothin's coming out!" the canon villain questioned as he shook his canon as he did, Aizawa took the opportunity to grip onto the two of them using his capturing cloth and smashed the two toward each other.

"Idiots! Can't you tell?! Those goggles and with that quirk erases other quirks!" a villain from the same group said.

"It's Eraser head!" another villain said. 

"Huh, it erases other quirks heh heh... can you erase mutant quirks like ours?" a huge villain appeared.

"Nope, I can only erase emitter and transformation quirks... Even though, statistically guys like you are much stronger at close combat where you can excel" Aizawa didn't even let the villain speak since he was blowing punches, gripping him here and there. Aizawa successfully knocked out the huge villain as well as the rest.

"Which is why I conjured a different approach" Aizawa added as he dashed through the villains.

"His hand-to-hand combat is commendable, but we aren't sure of whose quirk he erased since his line of sight is hidden with those goggles" a villain said.

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