Finally something school like!

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Chapter 24

As the next day came, the students were finally allowed to come back to the campus and the campus is now open again.

To start the day, Iida went in front of class as the president he now is and began to alert his classmates.

"Ahem! Please be seated and wait patiently for Aizawa-sensei or the teacher who is to replace him temporarily!" Iida ordered.

"We are already in our seats... It's you who isn't" Sero retorted as Kirishima and Kaminari chuckled at Iida, all fun and laughter until the sliding door made a whoosh and in came Aizawa.

"Morning"  Aizawa greeted monotony, as he entered the classroom, it alerted everyone.

"Aizawa-sensei?! You're back already?!" Iida questioned.

"Now that's beyond "pro" and manly not gonna lie!" Kirishima commented.

"Sensei you're all better now?" Asui questioned as he passed by the front row.

"Can you really ask that in his state?" Uraraka retorted Asui's question.

"Can you all not concern yourselves over me, after all the battle isn't over" Aizawa said, rejecting everyone's concern, his note alerted Midoriya and the Bakugou twins.

"The battle?" Katsuki questioned calmly, Kitsuki furrowed her brows.

"Meaning... It isn't over then" Kitsuki muttered under her breath, Minoru panicked knowing that more villains may strike at them again.

"Mmm... prepare for yuuei's cultural sports festival girls and boys!" Aizawa tried to sound excited but his expression wasn't although the students cheered as it was finally something school-like.




Tsukauchi came and visited the campus that same day, he and the staff had a long conversation about cracking up the mystery of the villains' true shape. They further discussed the incident that occurred yesterday, to be specific they investigated about Shigaraki Tomura and Kurogiri.

"I searched up the name we acquired yesterday, which is "Shigaraki" and as well as his quirk" Tsukauchi began.

"It seems that his quirk can disintegrate anything he touches... but that's all we have and as for the warp-gate quirk we only know his name being Kurogiri-- at least that's what Shigaraki said" Tsukauchi said, sounding disappointed as he held onto his notes.

"So to wrap things up... We got nothing to go on and when their ring leader Shigaraki was it? Gets healed from those gunshots then he'll definitely come back for us" Snipe noted and it alerted All Might.

"Ring leader huh..." All Might muttered and the Principal heard him.

"What is it All Might?" Principal Nezu questioned.

"It just came to me... that his plan was fairly good, but under normal circumstances they wouldn't have gone through with it" All Might said and the rest just listened.

"We're talking about someone who rattled some dumb irrational logic that seemed coherent on the surface. He didn't even reveal anything about his own quirk but couldn't shut up about that noumu thing's quirk. And when things aren't going his way, it's like he just wants to give up and go home... unless he really is like that" All Might continued.

"That's just from what you observed when you saw and watched him right?" Principal Nezu questioned and All Might agreed.

"Yes but... It's as though he's got a toddler's behavior and thinking! Due to the way he could just do whatever he wants. Something like a man-child" All Might added.

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