thirty two

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Michael: I'm sick

Michael: and I ran out tissues

Luke: what do expect me to do about it :(

Michael: you sounded liked ashton for a second

Calum: yeah you did omfg luke you talk to ashton too much

Ashton: wtf

Michael: ashton you're awake???!

Calum: omg wtf and it's not even 11am

Ashton: do you guys just think I do nothing but sleep ??!

Luke: pretty much

Ashton: you guys have broke my heart

Michael: but srs why are you up so early

Ashton: going out for lunch lmao

Calum: with who

Luke: me


Luke: I was joking hahah

Luke: I wish tho :(

Ashton: come on lucas :(

Michael: why don't you two date since you both like each other

Calum: want to all hangout tomorrow?

Michael: yeah I'll just cancel my shift

Luke: I can since still no job

Ashton: I'm busy sorry guys

Luke: but I haven't seen you in so long :(

Calum: why are you so busy recently omg

Michael: yeah you have like no time to hang out anymore

Ashton: sorry guys ily all x

Luke: love you ashtonnnnnn

Calum: smh

Michael: if you guys don't date I will cry

Ashton: lol guys I gtg see ya

Luke: I hate you

Ashton: whattttt

Luke: you don't even have time for me :(

Calum: srs ashton what have you being doing

Ashton: im so sorry lucasssss :(

Ashton: uh not much just being normal lmao

Calum: omg ashton -.-

Luke: you should be

Ashton: lmao guys I really gotta go see yous

Michael: I'm going to work

Calum: then it's just us now lucas

Luke: :((((


why is ashton blunt lol

- jessica x

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