Chapter 7

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Amber's POV

After I got off the bus,I started walking towards my dad's house. I was hoping he wouldn't be there. My mom never told me to meet her somewhere so I thought that was the best place to go. Of course Kyle had to stop next to me and get out. I wonder why he won't ever leave me alone. He dropped kicked me then put a blade to my neck. "Hey Amber. Am glad to see you" said Kyle. "What do you want Kyle?" I asked. "To finish what I wanted to do earlier until the T-Birds and Pink Ladies interrupted me" said Kyle. Kyle made a small cut on my neck. "Please stop" I said. Kyle looked at his gang. "Guys what do you think? Should we kidnap her?" Kyle asked his gang. I took my chance to kick Kyle from behind and got off the ground and started running. "Get her!" Kyle yelled. I heard running footsteps from behind and I ran faster. About a few minutes later I got tackled to the ground. Kyle walked in front of me and kicked my stomach. The guys laid me down on the ground and pinned my arms and legs down. I tried getting up but they held me dow tightly. I saw Kyle had a kerchief in his hand. "Hey let her go!" someone yelled. It sounded like it came from behind him. I saw him look behind him. I couldn't tell if anyone was there. Kyle shook his head then was about to put the ketchup around my nose when someone grabbed his hand. I looked up to see Danny. I started feeling a release of pressure off me. I saw the T-Birds beating up Kyle's gang and Danny was beating up Kyle. I saw Kyle whisper something to Danny then him and his gang left. Someone helped me off the ground. "Thanks guys" I said. I saw them nod. I saw Danny walking towards me. "Did they hurt you?" Danny asked. I backed up a step. "Well I got cut on my neck but that's about it" I said. Danny lifted up my chin and examined my cut. He put my chin down and looked at me. "You don't like me do you?" Danny asked. "What? Who told you that?" I asked. "Well Kyle did yesterday. I didn't know he was your bully so I didn't know if I should have believed him or not" said Danny. "Don't listen to him. Am scared to admit this but am actually scared of you. I never said I didn't like you" I said. "Good to know" said Danny. Danny took off my hood before I had time to react. I looked down but then he lifted up my chin. "Open your eyes" Danny whispered threatenly. I heard the other T-Birds coming closer. "You better listen to him if you know what's good for you" I heard Kenickie say. I didn't open them. I had a feeling the T-Birds we're glaring at me. "Come on. Don't make this harder then it already is" I heard Putzie say. "We don't wanna hurt you but we well if we have to" I heard Sonny say. I tried reaching for my hood. I felt it but someone was holding it down. It was probably Danny holding it down. I felt someone lay me down and slap my hand away. I felt my hands getting tied up. I tried getting up but I got pushed back down. "Come on guys. Please leave me alone. We're friends aren't we?" I asked. "Yeah but your not listening to me so we'll do this to you until you do" said Danny. "D-danny please l-let me go. Your g-gonna make me even more s-scared of you" I said. "Good am glad" said Danny. I felt him lean in close to my ear. "Now open your eyes before something worse happens to you" Danny whispered threatenly. I started crying and didn't open my eyes. "Oh come on. Stop the crying. You don't need to be a crybaby" said Kenickie. "Kenickie stop talking" Putzie said. "Why do you have to be nice to her all the time?" Kenickie asked. "Cause I can" said Putzie. "Guys stop" said Sonny. I felt Danny slap me in the face then I finally opened my eyes to see Danny glaring at me. He grabbed my jaw then examined my face. I felt him move my blonde hair behind my ears to take a closer look. He held me down as he examined my arms and legs. I tried to get up multiple times but he kept on tightening his grip on me. He looked up at me and slapped me in the face. Then helped me stand up. He got out his blade then cut my hood off of my jacket then cut my hands loose. "So you get abused huh?" Danny asked. I backed away slowly then tried to run.

Danny's POV

I just found out that Amber gets abused. I saw her trying to run them I grabbed her tightly and made her face me. Maybe I was being a little to hard on her but it was worth it. "Why didn't you tell anyone that you were getting abused!?" I yelled at Amber. "Cause I didn't want anyone to find out!" Amber yelled at me. She tried kicking me. I went behind her then got out my blade and put it to her neck. "Danny leave her alone!" someone yelled. I turned around to see the Pink Ladies. They went in front of me then looked at Amber and there jaws dropped. "You get abused!" Frenchy yelled at Amber "Can we talk about this later?" Amber asked. "We should be talking about this now" Sandy said taking my blade and pulling me away from Amber. She pulled me to where the Pink Ladies were standing. Sandy slapped me. "You didn't have to be mean to her!" Sandy yelled giving me back my blade. I was about to say something when I heard a hock from a car. I saw Amber running over to it and got in and they car drove away. I sighed then looked at everyone who was looking at me.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry if it was too long! I hope you have a good day!

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