Chapter 3

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Amber's POV

Today is Monday September 26th. I decided to wear a sparkly pink shirt with light blue colored pants with my leather jacket. I put on my gloves then started walking to school. I made sure to put my hood on before I reached the school grounds. When I got inside the school,I put my head down trying not to look at anyone. I stopped once I realized I was in front of the school doors. I looked up and opened them and headed to my locker. The school felt empty even though the school was surrounded with hundreds of people. I don't need attention anyway. I was walking down the long hallway when I saw the Pink Ladies and the T-Birds at their lockers. I was frozen in place for a few seconds then quickly ran to my locker. I got what I needed for my first class then put the rest of my stuff away. I slammed my locker shut then started walking to class. I started thinking about all the Pink Ladies. I started daydreaming and didn't pay attention to anyone walking by. Just then I felt someone grab me and pin me to the wall which got me back to reality. Standing in front of me was no other then Kyle Fox. I wish he didn't have to bully me everyday. I sighed then rolled my eyes. He put my hood down, grabbed my jaw,then slapped me. "Please leave me alone" I said. "Not happening" said Kyle. "What do you want from me?" I asked. He grabbed the collar of my shirt then pulled me close. "You should know what I want already" said Kyle. He threw me to the ground then started beating me up. After he was done he left and headed to class. I got up slowly. Once I got up I put my hood back up then limped to class. What makes things even worse is that the T-Birds and Pink Ladies are in most of my classes with me. And of course they had to be standing right outside the classroom door. I sighed then continued limping to the door. Every step I took made be even more nervous and shy. My heart was racing rapidly. Once I got inside the classroom and took my seat my heart rate went back to normal. I watched as The Pink Ladies and T-Birds  walked in the room and took their seats.

Ryder Red's POV

I just moved to Los Angeles yesterday. Am 18 and am a senior. I just walked into Rydell High. The highschool looks nice so far. I headed to my locker then put my stuff away and headed to my first class which was english. I walked into class and walked to the front of the room looking around. "Guys,we have a new student. This is Ryder Red" the teacher said. I waved at everyone. "So where did you move from?" the teacher asked. "I just moved from Seattle Washington" I said then took the only empty seat next to a girl. I was fine with sitting in the very back of the classroom. I wonder why the girl was wearing a hood though. I really wanna see her face. Every class until lunch went by fast. I found an empty table and sense I didn't know anyone I thought that was my only option. I started eating my lunch in silence. I didn't notice anyone join me at this table until I looked up and saw the same girl I was sitting next to in my first class sitting on the other side of the table. That startled me for a second. I saw her eating slowly. I wonder what's wrong with her. Just then I saw someone grab her and pin her to the wall behind her. I stood my quickly then walked over to them. "Come on Kyle. Please just leave me alone for once" the girl said. "Just shut up! I can beat you up as much as I want!" Kyle yelled. "Hey let her go!" I yelled. Kyle turned to look at me then laughed. "The new kid is trying to defend the girl. That's sweet" said Kyle. "If you don't leave her alone I swear I'll punch you in the face so fast you won't know how to react" I said. Kyle glared at me then let the girl go. "Hey you okay?" I asked. "Wait what? You can actually see me?" the girl asked. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be able to see you?" I asked. "Cause the only people who do is the teachers,staff,and my bully" the girl said. She then sat down and started eating again. I moved to the spot in front of her. I saw her look up. "Am surprised you'd even want to sit with a girl like me. I don't have any friends and am usually the only one sitting at this table" the girl said. "What's your name?" I asked. "Amber Young" the girl said. "Nice meeting you and am sure you already know my name cause the teacher introduced me to the class" I said. "Nice meeting you and yes I remember you" said Amber. "Amber do you mind telling me who that boy that held you against the wall was?" I asked. "His name is Kyle Fox. He's been my bully sense last year. That's when we first met. He's a gang leader and a greaser. He loves to beat me up and no one notices and I don't want to tell any adult" said Amber. "Am sorry to hear that. Is that why you wear your hood?" I asked. "That's for a different reason" said Amber. "Oh" I said. I looked around and saw people wearing black leather jackets with the word T-Birds on it and other jackets that are pink and say Pink Ladies on it. "Hey who are they?" I asked Amber pointing to them. I saw Amber look at them then look back down. "Those are the T-Birds and Pink Ladies. There both gangs. There like the most popular people at this school. Of course there's other gangs that aren't apart of those groups" said Amber. Just then then bell rang. "Well it was nice talking to you. See you later" I said. "It was nice talking to you to. See ya" said Amber. I started walking to my next class after that.

Amber's POV

What just happened? Was that all a dream? Did I just make new friend? Did a student besides Kyle actually talk to me? All those thoughts were running through my head. Ryder Red,the new kid talked to me. Am really surprised. Am even surprised when Ryder saved me from Kyle and sat in front of me. I know he couldn't see my face but I had a shocked look on my face. I thought of not talking to him but I knew he probably would've thought that was rude. He just moved to Los Angeles yesterday and am amusing he doesn't know very much about it. At least he knows who the T-Birds and Pink Ladies are. And I think am falling in loved.

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter! Am sorry if it was a little to long. I hope you have a good day!  

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