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Sarah's screaming had turned into small almost unheard moans of agony. She'd curled herself up into a ball, her eyes squeezed as tightly closed as she could. Her whole body felt like it was on fire and there was a pain in her chest that felt like it was being stuffed with something. She was somewhat aware that The Doctor and Clara were near by which gave her a bit of comfort.

Suddenly she felt herself being lifted of the floor by strong arms, She let out a louder moan as the movment caused pain to shot through her whole body. It took her a second to realise it was The Doctor he always smelt musky with abit of engine grease thanks to hours off working on the TARDIS. Sarah felt safe in his arms.

The Doctor raced towards The TARDIS doors with Sarah in his arms. The Doors opened without anyone touching them ir clicking their fingers. Clearly The TARDIS was worried too. The Doctor ran out closely followed by Clara to find a circle of soliders with guns pointed at them.

"Ah good your here. Get me a medical room with a bed and some anestetic and you can put these silly toys down before you hurt someone" The Doctor barked at the soliders.

No one moved a few soliders flashed confussed looks at each other unsure if they should do as he said or not.

"NOW" The Doctor shouted using the full furry of a timelord. Most of the soliders put their guns down.

The sound of heels racing along the wooden floor could be heard before a very out of breath and worried looking Kate Stewart came running round the corner. The Soliders all automatically saluted her.

"Doctor whats going on?" Kate asked taking in the small girl in The Doctors arms and the terrified looks on all the soliders and Clara's faces.

"You Kate are very lucky my arms are full right now. I need a med room a bed and some anistetic" The Doctor shouted putting as much anger into each word as he could.

To Clara's amazement Kate didn't even flinch at The Doctors anger just gave one of the soliders orders to do as he said. Clara was terrified of The Doctor right now she'd never seen him so angry but then again she'd never seen him find out he had a daughter who was currently in agony being rewritten.

"Who's she? if we are going to help we need to know what we are dealing with" Kate asked her voice remaining calm even with The Doctor glaring at her. Clara touched his arm to try and calm him but he just ignored her.

"Oh you know exactly what your dealing with Kate, My Daughter" The Doctor snarled.

For the first time Clara noticed a flicker of fear flash over Kates face followed by sympathy and quilt before returning to normal. Clara was really confussed now what did Kate have to feel quilty about?

"Doctor you have to understand we did it to protect her" Kate spoke her voice slightly smaller than before

"Did what?" Clara asked irritated she hated being left out.

Before anyone could answer two of the soliders came back pushing a stretcher over to The Doctor. He looked for a moment like he was going to lay Sarah down on it before changing his mind. Clearly he didn't trust himself to have his hands free just yet.

"I'll carry her" The Doctor grumbled.

The all walked in silence two gaurds infront of them guiding the way and two behind just incase The Doctors temper got the better of him. They hadn't landed far from the med bay it seemed it only took tbem a minute or two to be lead into what looked like a private hospital room.

It was pretty basic and empty just a hospital bed some monitors and a chair beside the bed and the whole place was white. Too white.

Carefully and reluctantly The Doctor lay Sarah down on the bed. His face softened slightly as he placed a small kiss to her hair something he could never have done before. Clara was the only person he felt comfortable having physical contact with.

"Anestetic" He barked holding his hand out a siringe with some clear fluid was placed in his hand and he injected it into Sarah's neck watching as slowly her face relaxed and her breathing slowed. She was in a deep sleep now and couldn't feel the pain. The Doctor slowly turned round to face Kate.

"I want all your records on her. Not the tampered with ones the original ones" The Doctor looked and sounded calmer now but Kate could still hear the anger behind the words and hurried off to get the records.

"Doctor I don't understand whats going on?" Clara asked softly as The Doctor took the seat beside Sarah's bed.

"UNIT did something to her to make her human there was only 1% of her that wasn't. The scan must have jump started that 1% and now its changing her" The Doctor explained darkly

"Into a TimeLord?" Clara asked

"Possibly or maybe half TimeLord depends how much of a jumpstart it got" The Doctor was rubbing his forehead looking fed up and beaten

"But wait hang on but didn't you say TimeLord's were created not born? so she'd only be half gallifreyian" Clara was even more confussed now.

"Usually yes but if a baby is concieved in The TARDIS while its in flight then they can be" The Doctor explained with a sheepish grin

"Aw you didn't" Clara said looking and sounding slightly disgusted jokingly.

The Doctor gave another sheepish grin before busying himself conecting Sarah to the differen't monitors.

Clara felt more than alittle jealous at the thought of The Doctor sleeping with other companions. She knew he must have he was over two thousand years old even TimeLord's must get frustrated sometimes but actually hearing him admit it was a different matter but it also gave her hope that she might stand a chance.

The Secrets of Sarah SmithWhere stories live. Discover now