The Warrior

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a/n sorry this chapter is gonna be abit chatty but it explains alot of Sarah's back story etc it also might be abit upsetting it deals with infant death


"Father Teller?" The doctor asked raising one of his eyebrows

"Yes Father our species call the female father and the male mother i never understood the rest of the universe" she snapped back

"Where is my son" Sarah demanded feeling anger raise in her as she took in the coldness off the woman in front of her

"He's here" Father Teller replied simply as if it was the most obvious thing in the world "But not the one you think"

"What do you mean? Give me my son" Sarah shouted feeling desperate now.

If this woman had her son she needed him back and fast. The woman looked at Sarah with great sorrow in her eyes then clicked her fingers. A solider came in through another door carrying a shoe box sized plain black box and handed it to Father Teller then bowed and walked back out again. Father Teller stroked the box lovingly before walking over to Sarah and handing it too her.

Sarah took the box with shaking hands confusion and fear written all over her face. she looked down at the box it was wood covered in black velvet with a small white plaque on the lid that read
Human boy
14th July 2013

"I..I don't understand" Sarah whispered once again tears forming in her eyes.

"The night your son was born, my ship was attacked Id only given birth myself just a few hours before to a son to keep him safe I teleported him down to earth when I went back for him the next morning I found a body in the same spot Id teleported him. I was devastated I assumed my son had died during the night. I brought the body back up to the ship and began the funeral process. my medical director took samples to find out the cause of death. It was just after the funeral she discovered the body was human not teller. I've been searching earth for him ever since" Father Teller explained while working on a screen that appeared on the wall beside them.

"I still don't understand, whats that got to do with my son?" Sarah felt even more confused than before none of this made sense.

"You gave birth in a field alone" Father Teller said it was a statement rather than a question

"Yes I didn't know I was pregnant until i gave birth" Sarah's voice broke as a tear fell from her eye. She knew were this was going but she couldn't except it how could she?

"The babies somehow got mixed up" The Doctors voice sounded rougher than before

"Our tests showed the human baby was stillborn. My guess is you heard my baby crying and took him and left yours" Father Teller turned to look at Sarah her face was a mix of anger and sympathy

"No! I gave birth to a life baby! I carried him wrapped inside my coat for miles before I found a house to get help" Sarah shouted desperately her head hurt like her brain was trying to remember a long lost memory and Father Tellers words felt like a physical blow. Tears where falling freely from her eyes and she brushed them away angerly.

"Teller babies can manipulate memories make you think what they want you to, to give you what you want most so they can be accepted. At that point all you wanted was for your son to be alive so the teller baby gave you that made you forget about the baby you gave birth too and made you believe he was yours" The Doctor explained sadly

"No! No that's not what happened! Wyatt is my son I raised him I've cared for him I love him more than life its self he's mine!" Sarah shouted angerly "he has to be" she whispered

"You said you did tests show me" The Doctor demanded Father Teller. he looked at the screen quickly before pointing his screwdriver at it the green tip lighting up. He looked at the screwdriver as if it was telling him something. The doctor let out a sigh. "Wheres the boy?" he asked quietly

"Safe" Father Teller replied dryly

"Show me now! I need to know" The Doctor shouted back

Fear started gripping at Sarah again if The Doctor was worried something was wrong very wrong. Father Teller groaned looking very fed up with all of this and clicked her fingers again. A different solider came in through the same door as the last one pushing a small hospital bed with a tiny body fast asleep in it.

"Wyatt!" Sarah shouted running towards him placing the velvet box on the bed. Sarah kissed Wyatt's head and smoothed out his dark hair the exact same colour as hers. "Your ok! its ok Wyatt, mummy's here now, everything going to be ok" she whispered in a sing song voice she knew Wyatt wouldn't hear her but she needed to say it for herself.

"Did you ever think were you got his name from?" Father Teller asked coldly "Wyatt in your planet means warrior and that is what he was born to be a warrior"

"I know what it means. I picked it cause he had to fight to life." Sarah whispered against Wyatt's head she was stroking his head her eyes never leaving his face.

"No he gave you the name. He is my son and he will grow up to fight for our species and win this war we are in" Father Teller announced proudly.

"What war? since when were the Teller at war?" The Doctor asked looking up from the screen again

"The Terror kind. Now enough of this I've returned your child now leave me with mine" Father Teller demanded her voice echoing around the room

"how do I even know hes yours?" Sarah asked looking up at Father Teller "How do I know your not making this all up?"

"Look at the screen DNA samples match" Father Teller waved her hand towards the monitor looking bored

"I can scan for matching DNA" The Doctor offered before waving his sonic up and down Sarah and Wyatt. he looked at his sonic sadly "No matching DNA" he said then pointed his sonic at Father Teller "Matching DNA. I'm sorry Sarah but there's nothing I can do he is her son"

"No! No he cant be. he just cant. hes my son. I raised him. I love him" Sarah screamed before bursting into tears and hugging Wyatt as tightly as she could.

"Guards escort these two back to the TARDIS" Father Teller commanded with a click of her fingers 5 guards appeared two pulled Sarah off the sleeping Wyatt and dragged her away one had The Doctor by the elbow and another carried the velvet box The last one had his gun pointed at Sarah and The Doctor.

By the time they were back at the TARDIS Sarah had stopped crying and was just silent and defeated. She stepped into the TARDIS with The Doctor not even bothered by the bigger on the inside bit. The Doctor started fiddling about with the buttons and leavers Sarah stood by the door staring at nothing. She heard the noise of the TARDIS and felt the ground vibrate as they took off.

Leaving Wyatt behind.

a/n let me know what you think :-)

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