The Musem

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"Behave now both of you" Clara warned jokingly as she got ready to leave The TARDIS.

She'd stayed on board for a week, Which apparently was long enough and she needed to get back to teaching and "other boring human things" as The Doctor put it. Sarah was a bit nervous to be left alone with The Doctor since their argument the other night, neither had mentioned it since and with Clara around it didn't matter but on their own it was a different story. Sarah could feel the tension building already and Clara hadn't even left yet.

"Remember he'd never purposely hurt anyone" Clara whispered in Sarah's ear as she pulled her into a hug.

"I know, I trust him" Sarah whispered back

Clara walked over to The Doctor and pulled him into an awkward hug, after a few seconds he relaxed into it. One thing Sarah learnt quickly. The Doctor doesn't do hugs apart from Clara and even then its abit awkward for him. Clara whispered something to The Doctor but Sarah didnt hear what it was.

Clara opened The TARDIS door with a click of her fingers, Flashed The Doctor one of his favourite smiles that showed of her dimples and made her eyes shine. She stepped out of The TARDIS and closed the door behind her. They were on their own. Sarah shifted uncomfortably as The Doctor fiddled with different buttons and toggles on the console.

"Sarah about the other night" The Doctor started uncomfortably

"Forget about it" Sarah interupted

"Clara told me what you said" The Doctor continued anyway.

Sarah felt herself go red with embaressment. She hadn't ment for The Doctor find that out but she should have known, Clara told The Doctor everything.

"I never ment for you to feel that way. If your to travel with me you need to trust me" The Doctor said

"I do trust you. Just bad memories took over for a second. wont happen again" Sarah said quickly afraid The Doctor was going to tell her to leave.

"Thats good but I wanted to appologise. If I hadn't got angry" He trailed off.

"It's ok don't worry. Past companions, sore subject" Sarah shrugged

"Yes. So what do you want to do today?" The Doctor asked clearly wanting to change the subject.

"What do you usually do when Clara's not here?" Sarah asked

"Tinker with The TARDIS, work on a few theorys, explore The TARDIS" The Doctor answered "skip ahead" he muttered just loud enough for Sarah to make out.

"Well if we drop by my flat I can pick up my laptop and work on my coursework and you can do that" Sarah suggested

"You're studing history. How about the biggest musem in the universe?" The Doctor leaned over the console looking excited. He still wanted to make up for scaring her and what history student didn't like a musem.

"seriously? yea!" Sarah giggled. she loved the musem her Gran used to take her to one and she had taken Wyatt.

The Doctor smiled over the console at Sarah before putting The TARDIS into flight. The wirly things wirled, the floor vibrated more and The TARDIS noise started up. Sarah loved that noise it ment adventure, danger and safety all at the same time. The TARDIS landed with a slight thud and excitment bubbled over in Sarah as she let out an excited laugh.

"come on then" The Doctor said strading over to the doors.

He was excited too he loved coming here. Sarah smiled and run out the doors. The Doctor was about to close the doors when he had an idea.

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