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An hour later Clara and Sarah returned to the console room. Sarah had changed into a pair of skinny jeans a tight light pink t-shirt and a pair of cream converse Clara had called "sand-shoes" her hair was pulled up into a simple pony tail that swished from side to side as she walked.

"You two took your time" The Doctor grumbled from a chair in the upper levels of the console room a small pile of read books sat on the floor beside his chair and he was flicking threw another one as he spoke.

"Its not our fault your stupid TARDIS decided to move the wardrobe we spent 45 minutes trying to find it" Clara complained

"I thought you two got along now?" The Doctor asked raising from his chair and coming down to the console

"Its fun to play tricks on the impossible girl she gets so cross" Sarah spoke in a sing song voice. Both The Doctor and Clara's head snapped round to stare at Sarah who was staring straight ahead into the light up collum part of the console her fingers genitally touching the soft and squishy telepathic interface.

"Idris?" The Doctor asked slowly and nervously

"Well who else would it be eyebrows" Idris answered and Clara let out a small giggle which was quickly stopped by the annoyed glare The Doctor threw her.

"Why are you using Sarah to talk" The Doctor asked slipping into interrogation mode

"And how?" Clara demanded

"She is part of me" Idris answered simply

"The interface?" Clara asked nodding towards the part of the console

"Yes and No" came Idris's reply

"You still haven't answered why" The Doctors voice became rougher more demanding

"Because I can thief and because its the only way I can tell you" Idris's voice sounded slightly weaker than before

"Tell me what" The Doctors voice was getting louder he was at war with himself part of him was terrified for Sarah another was thrilled to be speaking to The TARDIS.

"Follow your hearts and you'll find the answer to all three of your problems" Idris looked straight at The Doctor he could now see that Sarah's eyes were lit up with a golden light.

"Three?" The Doctor asked confused

"Gallifrey, Who Sarah really is and Clara" Idris said looking over to Clara as she spoke her name

"Me? why am I a problem?" Clara asked frightened

"Oh the impossible girl how can you not be? so very pretty and clever" Idris soothed "Have you not noticed the way he looks at you? its the same way you look at him"

Clara and The Doctor looked at each other a mix of panic confusion and embaresment written on their faces.

"Who is Sarah?" The Doctor demanded storming closer to Sarah "And where's Gallifrey" he shouted he was angry now

Sarah just smiled sweetly "Spoilers" she whispered before collapsing into The Doctors arms. The Doctors anger faded instantly as he picked Sarah up and sat her on one of the crew chairs quickly checking her over. Clara had come running over beside him her heels clicking on the metal floor.

"Is she ok?" Clara asked still sounding panicky

"Shes breathing and has a pulse I think the TARDIS pushed to far and caused her to collapse She's just asleep" The Doctor explained before picking Sarah up and carrying her bridal style out of the console room and down the corridor to a spare bedroom that the TARDIS had made appear. It was plain with white walls a double bed a dresser and a bedside table and soft cream carpet. The Doctor laid Sarah down on the bed abit rougher than he had meant to but Sarah didn't even stir she continued sleeping.

"Stay with her until I come back" The Doctor instructed Clara not once looking at her and then stormed out of the room.

Clara sat down on the comfortable arm chair that had appeared beside the bed. Her thoughts drifting to what The TARDIS had said about The Doctor. How did he look at her? How did she look at him? He was her best friend. Apart from the 6 months after Danny had died she'd seen him every week for the past 4 years and the past 18 months she'd seen him most days.

He was withdrawn and moody most of the time but he could be sweet and funny when he wanted to be in fact he was quite often funny when trying not to be. she'd fancied his previous incarnation even with his big chin and bow tie, This version was attractive too she preferred older men to be honest but she'd long given up on that this version didn't seem to even notice she was female and made many comments about how manly or unattractive different aspects of her body were so surely the TARDIS was wrong.

Clara was so wrapped up in her thoughts she didn't notice Sarah start to moan in her sleep.

a/n sorry its a short one but its important and I needed to keep it seprate from the next chapter

a/n let me know what you think :-)

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