14. Domestic Life

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Chapter 14 : Domestic Life

Chris chuckled as he saw the theories marvel fans were coming up with. He turned to Scarlett and said."A lot of people are "manifesting" for Steve and Natasha to be together in the new universe. They're even doing those things, you know, the praying round?"

It was Scarlett's time to chuckle. "Praying circle." She corrected him. "I can't say I'm surprised, this ship has a lot of stans and they've only kissed once. Have you seen all of the fanfictions people have come up? There's basically any plot you can think of."

"No, I didn't — Wait, you've seen the fanfictions?" He was slightly baffled at her revelation. "For somebody who's not officially on social media and who almost has no interaction with her fans, you sure do know a lot."

"What? I keep myself informed. And I haven't see all of the fanfictions, just some here and there to see what people love so much about this ship."

"Well, it's two straight hottie together. Who wouldn't ship that?" He joked and set his phone aside.

Scarlett laughed at him. "True."

"So, I've been meaning to ask..." He sounded so serious all of a sudden. Scarlett completely turned her attention on him. "Do you really think that this new universe will work? I mean, it's so different from what the fans are used to."

"Chris," she grabbed his hand. "We're finally getting a universe where it's not all about muscles and big explosions. We're going to have a truly logical character development for everyone, and we're gonna explore new depths and new plotlines." She smiled and pulled herself closer to him. "I don't know about you, but I'm tired of seeing them fuck up Natasha. She deserves so much better, they're always making her hurt one way or another. I know that new opportunities lie ahead for her and I'm really excited about that."

Chris thought for a minute, reminiscing what she said until he realized something. "Wait," He paused for dramatic effect. "We aren't getting resolution for Natasha?"

"Spoiler alert." She grimaced. "Well, kinda. She does come to terms with her past somehow, but it's just a little piece of her life that was missing. Don't get me wrong, I loved doing this movie and exploring her more but in the end it's all temporary. She's dead."

Chris watched her and saw the sparkle in her eyes. He felt a pang in his heart as she spoke about Natasha. She loved her so much. Ever since he knew her, Scarlett had always been involved with her characters at one hundred percent and she did everyone for them. But he had never realized that her love for Natasha was so deep. "She really does mean a lot to you, doesn't she?"

"Of course," She nodded. "I've played her for so long it's like she's a part of me. My life has changed so much in the last decade but no matter what, she was there." She avoided his eyes and shook her head. "I know it sounds insane, she's just a character that I'm playing but she's made her way through my heart with each movie."

Chris wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I get it." He reassured her. "Steve's kinda rubbed off on me." He smiled broadly as she chuckled.

"Good to know." She settled against him, embracing in his warmth.

A comfortable silence set between the two lovers. Wrapped in each other's arms, they almost fell asleep. But Chris' phone rang making them both jump. He quickly grabbed his phone and answered. "Hey, mom." He said with a semi tired voice. "Oh, just chilling with Scarly." He tried to hold back the wince that was threatening to come out when Scarlett hit him. 

Scarlett stretched and decided on taking a shower so could Chris speak to his mom privately.

Some minutes later...

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