2. The apartment

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I hope the pictures are visible, this is the best I could do.

Chapter 2 - The apartment

Scarlett and Chris arrived at the same time on set. They usually met earlier than necessary to rehearse their lines together. They had both brought suitcases with them which contained everything they would need for the next couple of days.

Scarlett left her suitcase in her dressing room and went straight to the makeup trailer. Since her character was 'normal' she didn't need much makeup. She got her hair done before getting dressed and going on set. Chris was already here, standing on his mark with his mask on; he was waiting for call to remove it. She greeted the people here with a wave of her hand and went to stand in front of Chris. "Hi." He told her sweetly.

"Hey," She replied and smiled even though he couldn't actually see it. But the way her eyes shone, he knew she was. "Did you do anything fun last night?" She teasingly asked, standing on her mark a few centimeters away from him.

Chris couldn't help but the chuckle at the question and he slightly titled his head. "I spent the night in with Dodger, we watched a movie. It was great."

"Let me guess, the lion king?" The way he averted his eyes for a moment told her that she was right. She wasn't making fun of him, only teasing him. "Funny enough, I did the same thing with Rose."

"Did you?" Chris asked to which Scarlett nodded.

"Everybody ready?" Robert called out from behind the camera. He and Shari were sitting on their directors seats, in front of the screens. Chris and Scarlett both nodded. They removed their masks and hid it in their pockets.

"And, action!" Shari yelled out loud enough for them to hear her and the two actors started acting.

"I can't believe he did that!" Scarlett said, sliding into character.

Chris came up behind her and grabbed her shoulders in a comforting way. "Maybe you should go talk to him."

She abruptly turned around and gave him an are-you-serious look. "He hates me, Hayden." Her voice was soft and her eyes sad. "He thinks I abandoned him, that I betrayed him."

"But you didn't, Annie." He reassured, putting a hand on her check.

"Didn't I, tho?"

The two famous actors went on with their scene and shot a couple more of them throughout the day. Different outfits were tried on and new hairstyles were made for the couple of scenes that they did that day.

When they were done for the day, Scarlett and Chris were told to wait for the car that would pick them up. The woman arrived on the sidewalk with her enormously huge suitcase. Chris was already here, with a bag over his shoulder and a suitcase near him.

"So, we're really doing this, huh?" He asked once he spotted her next to him.

"Seems like it." She shrugged and looked up at him with a small smile on her face. They hadn't needed to wait long, the car arrived and took them to the apartment they would stay at for the next couple of days.

When they reached the building, they put sunglasses on their faces to try to hide from the typical crowd of New York. The driver gave them the key and told them the number. They both thanked the driver and exited the car. They walked up the flat of stairs and entered the apartment.

With a humph, they put down their suitcases and looked around the apartment. It was a huge one-room apartment. The kitchen was to their left and on their right was a door that probably led to the bathroom. On the other side of the room was the living room but what they both focused on was the one bedroom part behind the living room. A single bed was the only thing they saw.

"You've got to be kidding me." Scarlett said with a sigh as she removed her sunglasses. "I'm going to kill Shari." She threatened and put the suitcase on the stairs before the bedroom.

"We've got plenty of space, tho. I was expecting worse." Chris commented as he closed the door behind him. He removed his sunglasses and his mask. "Plus, we've already slept in a bed together."

"That was different." She pointed out, removing her mask. She walked up to the sink and washed her hands. Chris came up next to her, waiting for his turn to wash his hands. "We barely knew each other and we were younger."

Chris looked at her with amusement. "So, what? Too much history?" Scarlett dried her hands and scowled at him. "I'll sleep on the couch, it looks comfy." He said as he washed his hands.

"We'll switch every night, all right?" Scarlett said as she opened the fridge to see if it contained food or not. Chris nodded in agreement and when she closed the door of fridge, he held up his wet hands and shook them so it would soak her.

She squealed in surprise and grabbed his hands to stop him. "Chris!" She laughed as he tried to free his hands from her grip. "You're such a rascal." She mused with laughter. "I will have my revenge on you."

Chris pretended to be scared as he supplied her with his hands. "I'm terrified."

"You better be." She stuck out her tongue at him and grabbed a glass of water that she filled. As she did that, Chris walked towards the living room part to explore. He walked up the one of the big windows and looked down on the street.

Scarlett came up behind as discreetly as she could and poured the water on his head. Chris shrieked in surprise and he spun around as she tried to run away. But he was faster than she was and he managed to grab her and pulled her to him. "I told you I would have my revenge."

"It was only droplets of water!" He defended and tried to hold her as she tried to fight free from his embrace. They were standing in the kitchen area and Scarlett tried to grab one of the chairs to pull herself free He completely wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the ground. Being taller than her had its perks, her feet no longer touched the floor which made it difficult to free herself.

"Put me down!" She squealed in laughter. Her back was pressed against his chest and she could feel the vibrations in his body when he laughed. "Chris!" He couldn't stop laughing, she looked so helpless and defeated.

Two dings were heard, bringing them out of their trance. Scarlett looked down on the table, it was her phone that had dinged. From up here, she could see it was a text from Colin, her fiancé. Chris cleared his throat and put her down on the floor.

He scratched the back of his head when he realized the position they previously were in. It could have been false interpreted when it was just them having fun. As Scarlett grabbed her phone, he went to the bedroom area and decided to put his clothes away.

Scarlett unlocked her phone and opened the text application. She went to her conversation with Colin and read the texts he sent her. The first one was a link towards what seemed to be an article and the second text was 'Everything okay so far?' He wasn't the type of being jealous but she understood why he could be reluctant to the idea of his fiancée quarantined with another man.

With a shake of her head, she clicked on the link. Her first assumption was right, it was an article. She rolled her eyes when she saw the title and decided on reading it.

FLASH NEWS! Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson spotted in the streets of New York.

The famous actors and friends, Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans have been spotted this afternoon in the streets of New York. The two friends are currently filming the sequel to 'The Nanny Diaries', entitled 'Nanny Returns'.

The two actors left together in car, harboring suitcases with them and we can't help but wonder why. Is their departure from the studio purely professional or is something going on between each other?

Rumors say that the beautiful Scarlett Johansson has broken off her engagement to Colin Jost and that Chris Evans finally swept her off her feet!

"Oh, boy." Scarlett muttered as she finished reading the article. "They really have nothing better to do."


Did I use The Sims to create their apartment? Obviously. Most of the furnitures come from mods, credit to everybody who designed them.

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