Picnic in the Rain - Kazuha

Start from the beginning

You were glad that he stopped staring at you, but now you found yourself watching him in turn. The warm light from the fire was flickering across his soft, yet concerned face and the way his hair was slightly wavy from drying out made you think about how beautiful he was. It also made you remember your plans for the picnic. At times, you were unsure how you could be deserving of his friendship, and made it hard for you to ask to take it a step further. There was so much you wanted to say. You weren't a poet that could think of just the right words to say like Kazuha was. You thought ruefully about if Kazuha had a partner, he would probably tell his partner how he loved them, showering them with flowery phrases. Thinking that you might never be more than a friend to Kazuha put a jealous pit in your stomach. You drew up your knees to your chin under the blanket as if to protect yourself against those thoughts.

Your thoughts were interrupted when a knock came at the door. Kazuha got up to answer it, returning with two bowls of steaming hot soup. "It was nice of the innkeeper to send the soup to our room.~"

You nodded tiredly in agreement. You both ate your soup in silence for the most part except to talk about little things periodically. Then it was time for bed.

Thankfully the room was fairly dark away from the fire, otherwise Kazuha would have seen your face was lit up like a match. You and Kazuha got settled under the covers and you tried to will yourself to sleep. It wouldn't come though. Not while you were worried about rolling over and disturbing Kazuha in his sleep. An hour or two later though, you risked it and rolled over. Kazuha was laying on his side with his back towards you, breathing deeply and rhythmically. Was he really that comfortable sleeping next to you? Seeing him sleep so soundly comforted you. Maybe you could do the same. With that thought, you slowly but surely drifted off to sleep.

Morning came and your eyes flickered open. You slowly remembered what had happened the night before and you looked over to your side to see that Kazuha was already gone. His clothes by the fireplace were gone too. You were about to throw the covers off yourself when your whole body got a chill.


Your heart sank as you slowly started to count your symptoms. You felt hot, you were getting chills, and your nose was already congested. Kazuha was right - you were getting sick. Where was he? With nothing else better to do, you lay there and tried to muster up the strength to get out of bed.

Then you heard the door creak. You looked over and saw that Kazuha had returned with a tray of breakfast foods.

"Kazu..." you groaned. You had meant for your voice to work better, but you felt incredibly pitiful at that moment.

Kazuha quickly set the tray down on a table and rushed to your side. "Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not... you were right about me last night... should've known..." you coughed a little and then shivered again.

Kazuha felt your forehead again and frowned. "You're burning up... poor thing..."

Kazuha left momentarily and returned with a damp dishcloth. He put it on your forehead and the cooling effect it had was heavenly. He also helped prop you up with pillows and he put out the smoldering remains of the fire in the fireplace.

"There," he sighed. "Y/N, do you think you want to eat something?"

You nodded feebly. You couldn't believe how miserable you felt! It was just a rainstorm!

He brought you a few slices of toast to start with.

"Thanks, Kazuha."

You ate slowly, and Kazuha ate his own breakfast too. You could feel him watching you carefully though. Then you realized something: he seemed to care a great deal about you, with the state you were in. It made your heart flutter and you tried to not let your hopes get too carried away. He was just a friend helping out, that's all. That's what any friend would do, right?

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