chapter 10 - goodbye with the commission

Start from the beginning

"I'll ask you again, Aizawa Shouta, where is Izuku." Mr Bee guy, asked, Aizawa was being restrained and looked woozy, they probably knocked him out.

"Fuck you." Aizawa hissed, whipping his head back to avoid the fist aimed at him.

"Snarky are we? What about this. You tell us.. or.. we'll kill your husband." The bee man- gosh he needs to get this guy's name- but what? Kill mic? They're fucking crazy!

"You wouldn't. A hero- a teacher- a fathers death, on your hands?" Aizawa said, raising his head to glare at buzz buzz.

"Ah but we would. Nobody would have to know considering... you probably won't tell us anyways, your son would be thrown into foster care- or maybe perhaps we would take him and raise him, what I'm saying is, we'll probably end up killing you both and labeling it as a villain attack." Izuku wanted to barf, fight, and commit mass murder all at the same time. Izuku truly wishes he could bring himself to speak, even just for this once, just so he could yell at this dude, to laugh as he ripped his head off- no no no. Bad Izuku, you need to focus on saving Aizawa and Mic.

Sliping on his Ryujin mask that he conveniently carried with him and dusted himself off. Satisfied, he stood from his spot. Aizawas eyes immediately met his, and he knew that look. The look of feeling utterly useless in a situation.

Buzz buzz looked to where Aizawa was staring, noticing the hooded and masked figure in the corner.

"Ah, and who do we owe the plesure?" He asked, raising his stinger as a warning.

"That, Mr Behan, is my very good friend, Ryujin." He spoke smugly, his voice lacked doubt, giving Izuku the fuzzy feeling of pride and something else in his chest.

"Ah, your little Vigilante friend, it'll be disappointing to watch him die, no?" He asked the black haired male, who under closer and further inspection, had a slowly forming black eye. Oh god he really was going to commit murder huh- not like he hadn't done it before- no, don't think like that.

"Oh trust me, he isn't the dying type." Aizawa commented, shoulders relaxing as Izuku got into a fighting stance.

"...not a talker? Hm?" Buzz buzz tried, waving his hand in a swatting motion. One of the guards who were standing near the room that supposedly that Mic was in, (Izuku would need to check to see if he was okay immediately)

Izuku just stepped closer, showing no fear of the sharp stinger that threatened to put him out of the game.

(Fun facts with Izuku: being stung by a bee causes your body to create antibodies to counter the venoms, being stung a second/another time causes those same antibodies to react rashly and henceforth causes an allergic reaction.)

Since Izukus already been stung by the Giant Asian Hornet man once, another stung could possibly take his life. Painfully.

'Let me have some fun Izuku, I'll save EraserHead don't worry-' Izuku thought for a second, sure Ryujin was far better at making decisions (like this one) quickly, but he still didnt trust his second self outside of patrolling.

'Not now Ryu, I've got this, just watch my back. You'll get a full 9 hour patrol soon,
7-4' that probably wasn't a good decision on Izukus end, he was already lacking much needed sleep.

'Dodge right, feet sweep' following Ryus orders saved Izuku the trouble of being attacked by a small woman with a simple strength enhancement quirk. Sweeping her to the ground and knocking her out caused Buzz Buzz to growl, snapping his hand, three more (mutant types, Cheetah, jaguar, and lynx) soldiers to leap at him like cats. He could work with cats. What do cats hate? Water. And what's usually in basements? Water tanks. With a swift throw of a knife, he easily punctured the water tank that was thankfully not boiling hot, and using jail flame to lock the cat guys in a small box of water, keeping any liquids away from the electrical equipment. (Being electrocuted hurts like a bitch.)

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