"Fine. But you better keep your word," he scowled, but it wasn't exactly threatening. Dabi just chuckled at the failed attempt made by the greenette.

"Yeah yeah, just hurry up. The portal will close soon if we don't go inside," And with that, Izuku stepped closer towards the purple mist, and stopped in front of it.

"It won't kill you for fucks sake, just walk through it. I'll be right behind you," Dabi nudged Izuku's arm while speaking.

"You say that like it's a good thing," Izuku smirked. He was being told to go into a portal by a villain and anything could happen. Yet, he still decided to tease the man.

"Ah- what do you have against me?!" Izuku just laughed before walking through the portal. Dabi ran after him the moment Izuku ran through the portal, away from the taller man.

Izuku found himself in a place that looked like a bar, but he barely had 3 seconds to take in his surroundings before he was tackled to the floor from behind.

"How dare you leave me after insulting me!" Dabi spoke in a playful manner, implying that he was only joking with the greenette. It was a huge change to the older man's first impression on Izuku, and also his recent behaviour. And even to Dabi, it was a surprise that he was acting this way towards the smaller boy. His normal personality came across as annoyed, selfish and sarcastic, however, Izuku somehow changed that and neither of them knew how or why.

Izuku squealed as he fell to the floor with Dabi on top of him. The black haired man pinned Izuku's hands above his head with one hand as he hovered over the smaller boy. Izuku was lying on the floor on his stomach as the taller male hovered above him.

"Get off me!" Izuku laughed through his words, but he wasn't going to let Dabi win this.

"No can do, Shortie~"

That had done it. Izuku was now annoyed. He grinned before swinging his head back, hitting Dabi's forehead. The older male groaned and slightly loosened his grip on Izuku. This gave Izuku the opportunity to free his wrists, twist himself around to face Dabi, then shove the man to the side. Dabi was now on his back next to Izuku, but didn't have time to react before Izuku climbed on top of him.

The greenette was now sat on the older man's groin to pin him down. And just to be sure, Izuku grabbed both of Dabi's wrists and pinned them above his head. However, unlike the older male, Izuku couldn't just hold both Dabi's wrists with one hand, so he had both hands wrapped around Dabi's. However, this position left Izuku almost exposed. A reminder: The only thing the greenette was wearing, was Dabi's long cloak.

"That hurt.." Dabi looked at the smirking boy sat on top of him.

"Then don't pin me or call me 'Shortie' again," Izuku grinned as he got closer to the black haired man's face. Then the greenette smiled, and in return, so did Dabi. They smiled, and it wasn't fake. It wasn't a grin nor a smirk, it was a smile full of happiness. It had been a while since either of them smiled because they were generally happy. Heck, it had been ages since either of them had been generally happy.

The two had only just realised their positioning, however neither showed they were embarrassed. Izuku didn't mind even though he was bear beneath the black jacket, and Dabi was just trying to figure out a way to get the smaller boy back. But that soon got stopped as he realised how close their faces were. They were only inches away from one another. And that space only got smaller, and smaller and smaller.

Ocean blue eyes were staring straight at emerald ones, and vice versa. It was a beautiful sight for both the boys, but before they could stare any longer or get any closer, they were interrupted by a sarcastic cough. Both the boys snapped back to reality and their eyes widened and their smiles fell as they realised someone had witnessed them both be happy. That's what they were worried about. Not the fact they were about to show affection to one another. That didn't bother either of the two. It was the fact that someone had seen this whole thing play out.

"Having fun there?" Another males voice spoke up. Both boys looked up to where the source of the voice came from.

Izuku looked at the man; he had pale blue hair that fell just past his chin. His face looked almost cracked and broken, while his eyes were a fiery red. He was sat slouched on one of the bar chairs, his arms folded and his face held an annoyed expression.

Dabi knew exactly who this was. This, was Tomura Shigaraki. This, was his Boss and the former leader of their group...

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