"You mean Co-Chief Operating Officer," she corrected.

"Ah, well, yes there is my baby brother Al, but I call the big shots around here," José smirked.

Heather rolled her eyes and folded her arms. So they were related. "Where's Alejandro?"

"Oh, he must still be in a meeting," José replied, disappointed that Heather wasn't showing any interest in him instead.

Suddenly, a devilish grin appeared on his face. "Perhaps I can take you to him?"

Heather looked at him. She didn't have any interest in spending any more time with this José guy than necessary, but this place was huge and she just wanted to give Alejandro his sunglasses back and get it over and done with. "Fine, lead the way," she snapped.

"My pleasure," José smirked.

Heather followed José along the long, dark and grey hallways. This place is like a maze, she thought to herself. She found her mind trailing off to imagining what Alejandro's office would look like, what the color of his furniture would be, what paintings and decor he would have on the walls...

José let out a small cough and took a step back. He gestured towards one of the meeting rooms down the hall. "He's in there."

Heather took a deep breath as she walked closer towards the room José pointed at. For some reason, she felt butterflies in her stomach.

What was she going to say to him when she saw him? "So remember that day when we were at the hotel pool and I abruptly got up and left, well it turns out I accidentally took your sunglasses with me." No, too long winded. "Hi Alejandro, I'm here to give you your sunglasses back!" No, too enthusiastic. "Here's your sunglasses." No, not witty enough. Ugh, why do I even feel like I need to rehearse this?!

But the need for any 'rehearsal' was immediately dissolved when Heather saw what she saw next through the glass windows.

She saw it once and once was enough.

Alejandro was sitting with his arms wrapped around the waist of a female employee, and he was whispering something in her ear, a flirtatious smile and look on his face. The female employee was giggling at what he said.

Heather felt a swirl of emotions; first shock, then disappointment, then sadness, and finally anger.

At that moment, Alejandro noticed Heather standing outside the windows. "Heather?" he gasped, and immediately got up, pushing the female employee away. "Hey!" the woman exclaimed but he didn't care.

"You can have your stupid sunglasses back, you stupid jerk!" Heather yelled as she opened the meeting room door and aggressively tossed the sunglasses at Alejandro, before angrily storming off.

"Heather! Please, wait up!" Alejandro shouted in a frantic voice.

José promptly stepped forward to block Alejandro from leaving the room. "Where do you think you're going?" he sneered, as he eagerly watched the drama unfold. "Need I remind you that we have a board meeting in 5 minutes?"

"José, get out of the way!" Alejandro yelled. He didn't have time for this.

José refused to budge, a smirk on his face. Alejandro aggressively pushed José backwards and then he frantically sprinted down the hallway, his head thumping and his heart pounding. Where was she?


Heather felt angry tears swelling up and she continuously blinked her eyes to stop them as she waited for the elevator to come. What were you expecting anyway from that jerk? That you could just pick up from where you left that day at the hotel pool? And to think that you felt something that day, you're such a fool!

Sparks Fly (An Aleheather Story/AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora