Chapter Five: Annoying

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-"So... You are only staying here for vacation?"

-"No, Not really. Not just for vacation since I am staying here for... Three months" -I sighed remembering my sad fate. Well... I am mentally prepared for it. Or maybe, I was always prepared for it. I never really liked my life anyways.

Maybe Dying was the only way for me to get out of my misery and someone up there, granted my wish to finally be free. Or... Looks like I am already losing my mind.

But it's true that I never really liked my life. Of course there were happy moments but the moment I grew up, I realized how much the world is not how I imagined it to be. Life is a bitch and if you are not strong enough, you are only destined to fall.

-"I see... And what are going to do exactly here?"

She always asks questions. Why is she so curious?

-"Just spending times with my family" - I simply answered her question. Where are you Billy? I am not good with people, help me.

-"That's great! I hope we will see each other often then!" - She smiled happily and I just nodded. - "I live here with my dad too"

-"Oh, That's cool. Where is your Mom?" -I asked just to not be too rude... I instantly regretted my question though when I saw her happy expression turn into a sad one.

-"She died two years ago... That is actually why my Dad and I moved here haha. He wanted to go back to where they first met" - She looked at me and smiled softly.

-"Oh, I am really sorry Aris" - I sincerely said. She just shrugged as if saying it's okay, we can't do anything about it. - "You must have loved her dearly"

-"Of course! She was my mother after all" - She shrugged and then cleared her throat. - "Well... That's in the past. Today is a good day, we shouldn't be sad right now! So how are you liking the festival so far?"

Ah. There goes back that wide smile. I don't know but it is bothering the hell out of me. But well I don't care...

-"It's great! You guys did a great job"

She smiled softly and then continued on trying to get a word out of me. She asked a tons of questions but they weren't personal ones so I didn't really care, but she sure is talkative. I don't know how she can speak so much and have so much energy. I totally can't relate to that.

After what seemed like an eternity, we finally found Billy. He was with my sister and the other members already. Aris finally stopped talking to me and went toward her band to discuss about their show. I just stood silently beside my sister who was kind of also engaged in the talk. I just listened and smiled from time to time because of their energy, we can see that they do get along well.

After a while my sister and I parted way with the band. We met up with our parents and settled down on the clean grass among the other crowds to watch the show and apparently Billy and his band are the one who will open the show which make sense.

Everyone applauded and whistled the moment they made their appearance on stage. They sure are popular...

Billy gave a little speech, thanking everyone for their hard work first then thanking the audience for being here and he wished them a good time. He then went to sit behind the drum as we waited patiently for them to begin.

But wait, something is off... I thought Jonathan was the one who is singing why is Aris the one holding the mic.

-"That girl sure is hot"

I heard my sister comment beside me. She is hot but her look doesn't match her personality, she is way too outgoing and loud. Definitely not my type...

......... Wait, why am I even thinking of if she is my type or not?

Best holidays ever Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora