part 6

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Shoto: *has no knowledge about omegas except heat and they can get pregnant* Kat how long is your heat supposed to last?

Katsuki: For me it is supposed to last 7 days but for other other omegas the max is 7 days the last is 3 days inles the omega gets pregnant then thare heat will stop the next day or in the night before the next day all depending on the Omega way are you asking?

Shoto: Um I rather you figure it out your self because I feel like you are going to kill me if I tell you

Katsuki: Ok *Goes to Shotos neck and bites Shotos neck and lets go* Thare it is out of respect but it can be more and maybe you can be my sol?

Shoto: *Smiles and transforms into his human from and hugs Bakugo* Yes I will be your sol

Katsuki: I don't know your where a warewolf

Shoto: Oh dudes that mean that your a wolf?

Katsuki: Yes but my mom and dad are warewolfs *Smiles and releases that he is not in heat* Way did you not tell me that you got me pregnant grant i have to through 4 months of hell!?

Shoto: I am Sorry at last we can be a family?

Katsuki: *Goes to Todoroki and cuddles him*

Shoto: Shouldn't we tell the pack about me becoming the Sol and tell them that we are going to have a pup or pups on their way?

Katsuki: Yes we probably should

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The Warwolf and the Wolf Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang