Snip it, Snip it Good

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On Lothors ship

"An environmental conference every bigwig in the city will be there. Why wasn't I invited?" Asked Lothor "Maybe because you want to destroy Blue Bay Harbour instead of preserving it." Said Choobo "Details details they'll be sorry they didn't include me when I break up their little party." "But what about the Power Rangers? They'll probably be there to guard it." "I thought we agreed nobody metitions the p word." Says Lothor as Choobo covers his mouth "Now I want suggestions." "Uh hello uncle me." Says Kapri "All right. What is it?" "Ummm." "Uh.." "Well?" "I forgot. It was really good I swear." "What are you smiling at?" Says Lothor to Marah "I'm just so happy. I'm not the dumb one for once." As Kapri pushes her. "Sir I found the perfect evil space ninja to disrupt the conflicts. From the planet Kroshia. I believe you will find his special skill most useful." "Snip snap, at your service." "Let's take a look now shall we. Well I suppose I could use a bit off the back." Says Lothor holding up his hair and the monster's blade. "No sir he cuts the ties that bind, making everyone he encounters unable to agree on anything." "Good work." "Sir." "And if not I'm sure we can find some creative ways to use those blades on you Zurgane." Said Lothor laughing. "Funny Sir."

On Earth "We're here for the first annual Blue Bag Harbour Environmental Conference. Dignitaries from all over the city are gathering to discuss ways to make the city are gathering to discuss ways to make the city more energy efficient. Is that okay?" Said the reporter to the cameraman. As the cameraman walks away Dustin and Shane appear hanging upside down from a tree. "Okay so let me get this straight. We do nothing." Said Dustin "We watch, we listen and we wait. If anything happens we react." Says Shane "okay cool um but in the meantime do you think we can find some other place to hide I think I'm losing my...whoa grip." As Dustin falls from the tree branch as Shane just sighed. "Paige i s ever going to let you live that down. "

Tori is running through the woods at a lightning speed. But she looks around clearly confused on where she is "Okay Tori you're not lost you're just slightly off course." Says Tori looking at the scroll that Cam gave her.

At the Environmental Conference "Let this meeting come to order. Thank you all for coming here today. If we want to make an environmental difference globally we must start locally." And everyone in the room started clapping before Dustin's morpher beeped. "I thought we agreed on no cell phones." "You didn't turn it off." Said Shane to Dustin "Dude I'm sorry I forgot. What do we do?" Shane thought for a minute before he had an idea and used his air power to open the door and cause papers to fly all over the place while they ninja streaked away. Once out of the conference room their morpher beeped again "Go for Shane!" "I've been monitoring the police radio disturbances have been reported all around you." "Are you sure we haven't seen anything?" Says Shane as he and Dustin run outside to see a group of Kelzaks. "I take it back. Call you later." As the boys start fighting the Kelzaks the monster peers around the corner making sure he is not seen before running inside. "Time to make a few cuts." "What's up with this?" Questioned Shane "Maybe they heard about the buffet." Says Dustin before getting back to fighting the Kelzaks.

"So we're all in agreement that we form a committee to research a more fuel-efficient energy sources for the city's power supply." And everyone in the room nods their heads in agreement. "Agree? Did so hear someone say agree no no no they'll be none of that." Says the monster slashing at everyone in the room before leaving. "That is the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard." Says a lady "You only think that because you didn't come up with the idea yourself." Says a man nearby as arguments and fighting began happening all over the room.

Tori is still walking around the forest "Great, Sensei I've come to a conclusion I'm lost."says a Tori into her morpher. "Remember Tori, a conclusion is simply the place where you got tired of thinking." "I knew you say that." "Good luck Tori, remember to use your inner ninja to guide you." As Tori was walking away she could hear Paige in her head "I believe in you Tori." Which gave her more motivation to keep going.

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