Chapter 20 - Night out (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

“Look, I haven’t been the best company all day but, thank you really.” David said sincerely.

“For what exactly?” I crossed my arms around my chest. I made a promise to myself. I won’t let my guard down.

“Well for being there for Suri when no couldn’t. I see how much she enjoys being around you and I haven’t seen that joy since. . . just thank you.”

I nodded looking back at my car where Suri sat warming up and waiting for me.

“Just promise you won’t hurt her. She has been through enough pain and I don’t want see her go back through that again.” David said, pulling my attention back to him. His arms were crossed and he stood tall this time.

Fury crossed my face and I couldn’t believe what he was telling me. “How many times do I have to explain to you? I’m not the bad guy here. I am not the one who hurt her. If anything, you should go tell that to your lame brother.” I shot at him. We were inches apart with both of our arms crossed.

David tense to the mentioning of his brother. He revert his gaze elsewhere and avoided my hard stare. What is it with this dude? Jeeze.

“He’s barely my brother anymore. Let’s just say things changed in the past two years.” David spoke through his teeth. We stood there quiet for a moment. Anger was changing in his expression and I knew the problem between him, and his brother was deep.

However, I was speechless. I did not expect David to react that way towards Derek. Clearly, there was some unexplained hatred going between them. Yet again, I don’t care what their issues are. They were not my problem. Suri was my only concern.

“Look, I don’t know if Derek will be there. She doesn’t want to see him either. I just have one question.” He said looking back at me.

“What?” I said.

“Has Derek given you any trouble?”

 “As regarding Suri, than yes he has.” I said shaking my head.

David rolled his eye, taking deep breath. “Don’t worry about him tonight.”

“Ha.” I said humorlessly. “Not likely David. When you are not around, I have too. So I am not letting my guard down. He can’t have Suri, not anymore.” I patted his shoulder and turned for the car. I was through with this conversation.

Suddenly I felt David’s hand grip my arm tightly, causing me to stop in my tracks. I glanced back at him, waiting. He stepped closer with a warning look in his eyes.

“Don’t underestimate my brother. He is quiet the character and you don’t know him like I do. I don’t know exactly what happen between them but I’ll tell you this. Derek and Suri loved each other way before they knew it.” David gave me hard stare before I yanked my arm away. He turned for his car without another word.

I took a deep breath and turned for my car again. I didn’t realize how cold it actually was. Well who would feel the cold when their blood is boiling up to nine-hundred degrees.

Just about, everyone was laughing when I climbed into the car. The heat instantly touched my body and began to fight away the cold I just suffered for five minutes.

“Man what took you so long?” Nate said once the laughter died.

“Nothing.” I muttered, hiding my fresh annoyance I had with David.

“Is everything okay?” Suri asked, touching my shoulder.

“Of course.” I assured her and smiled so she wouldn’t worry.

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