Chapter One - The Introduction

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I hear the train whistle. I look around, but theres no one in sight. I decide to get up, as the train slowly approached the station. I check the time. 8am, early morning. The train was 2 hours late.

The red doors open on its only car, but I slowly begin to wonder why the place was so abandoned and empty. It was almost like I was taking a trip to a ghost town.

I get on, but as I look around for a seat, I realise no one else was aboard, and I begin to worry. I walk up the car, and sit just infront of the stairs. As the train doors close, I organise my luggage and look out the window, feeling relaxed, knowing I'll have nothing to worry about once I arrive.

As I look out the window, I see someone staring directly at me, wearing a black cape and a top hat. I reach for my phone, trying not to lose eye contact. For some reason, I felt like this trip was going downhill already, but thankfully, the train starts moving.

Hi, I'm Mabel Buford. I'm a 23 year old single. I come from a small town where everyone knows each-other. Gossip is everywhere, and everyone knows each other's personal life. I really messed up, and people have been giving me a really hard time, so I decided to take this trip for my mental health and well-being.

I live with my mother, in a 2 bedroom brick home. My father died just 2 years ago. As much as I liked him, I've gotten over it so simply. I have no other siblings, and no other family members I know of. As my parents were made fun of for having me in the first place, they decided not to go through it again.

The town was very religious, and filled with old people. Thing was, if you weren't part of the religion, you were bullied straight out. The town was a team, and everything was always kept the same, through generations, and generations. Nothing changes here.

I reach into my bag for a homemade sandwich, but suddenly hear footsteps. I look around, wondering where the sound came from, but I found my answer in a matter of seconds. Right infront of me, I found the guy I saw staring at me walking up the train stairs, and slowly walk to the very back. I looked away quickly, feeling uncomfortable. I felt watched. But all I could do was sit there and wait.

I sit patiently, nibbling on my sandwich, waiting to arrive, praying it would happen soon, and as what felt like the longest half an hour of my life, we finally arrive.. at the next station.

The train stops, the doors open, once again, and yet still, no one gets on. Seeing as I have no hope, I quickly gather my bags, and hurry towards the exit, but just as I'm about to leave, the doors close, and I have no other choice than to sit there for the rest of the trip.

Credits to Canva for the text & filters on the book cover.

Credits to for the picture used for the chapter.

Credits to Canva for the book cover.

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