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"holy shit..." I say as ben pulled into his driveway, since we never really talked before I had no idea he was rich, and he was that type of rich. "what was that?" he said turning to me with a slight smirk on his face. "nothing, I didn't say anything" I say turning away from him and getting out of the car. I followed behind him as he entered his house, my mouth slightly opening as we walked in. I've only ever seen places this big in movies, and I never thought I would actually be in one. "so... what do your parents do?" I asked  "impressed huh?" he said which made me snap out of my daze. "what of course not! I" was just curious, anyways let's just get this project over with he looked at me and smiled before turning around to get the stuff "stuck up piece of shit" I muttered under my breath, and as if it was an instinct he whipped his head around to look at me " did you say something?" "of course not" I replied walking over to the counter and sitting across from him. "so then, let's get started," he said pulling out his notes.

(time jump)

I dramatically sigh laying my head on the counter. "finally! I thought we were never going to finish!" he looked down at me and smiled "oh come on it wasn't that bad, we had to both memorize all the words and write them down on the display board that's normal hand and draw all the pictures " "dude we been sitting here for 2 hours!! you almost fried my brain! ohh I know let's talk about how you were totally staring at Devi all day" I watched as his whole body stiffened up and his face turned red, "I was not doing that" "ben, you are a total idiot, it's clear that she likes you back, just flirt a little." he looked away from me tapping his fingers on the table. "flirting isn't that's easy" I smirked before leaning onto the counter top, flirting is one of the easiest things to do, and I am about to prove it i thought to myself. I moved my hair to one side tilting my head a little bit. "oh come on, you seem like you would be good at it" he looked at me his face turning even redder. "w-what is this?" he asked studdering on his words. I leaned in closer smirking at him "what is what?" he looked away from me trying to hide his face, I backed away and started laughing ben looking confused, "you see how easy that was! you don't even like me and I was making you blush" I say teasing "oh, whatever, it's different!" he said grabbing a water bottle. "how is it different?" "well first off you are an attractive girl so whoever you flirt with would instantly fall for you" I felt my face heat up for some reason, I looked away but could still feel his eyes on me. "come on, that's not true," I say softly, looking out the back door. he opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off not wanting to continue the conversation "no way! is that a pool?" I say excitedly.

I practically run out the back door standing next to the water, ben walking up next to me. "you never had a pool before?" he asked looking at me with a smile on his face "no, only ever swan in a pool once, I think I was 6" "there is no way, you're lying" "I swear! why would I lie about that?" I turned to him and he got a cocky look on his face " I guess not everyone is as lucky as me" " yea... I guess you're right" I say rolling my eyes before getting an amazing idea I put my hands on his chest pushing him into the pool, I watched with satisfaction as he fell backward, that was until he grabbed my hand pulling me into the pool with him, his hand wrapping around my head to make sure I wouldn't hit it on something. after a few seconds, he pulled me above the water, "you pulled me in!" I said shocked at what just happened "well only because you pushed me!" he snapped back " well if you stopped being so cocky all the time!" "I was not being cocky!" he said getting closer to me "ugh excuse me sir" we both froze before looking over at the door a lady standing there with a few towels in her hand "I'll just leave these here sir, I'll be heading home for the day," she said before setting the towels down and leaving. "let me guess, she's your maid" he scoffed and turned away from me "no, she's my housekeeper" I laughed sarcastically before splashing some water at him, which turned into a 10-minute water fight that only ended because it started to rain again.

we both ran inside our clothes soaking wet both of us shivering from the cold air rushing by us. "look what you did!" I said to him crossing my arms "This is your fault!" we both turned to look at each other our eyes locking for a split second. "here, hold on," he said walking upstairs leaving me alone. I walked around the living room noticing some Rick and Morty pens scattered on the coffee table. "sorry for taking so long" ben said walking down the steps in new clothes. "oh, wow, so i'm the only wet one now" I turned away from him, realizing what I just said sounded weird. he laughed and handed me some clothes while I was internally cringing at what I said. "I am an only child so this is the only thing I have. "oh..thank you" " the bathroom is over there" I nodded walking away. I'm the only wet one now?!! why would I say that god i'm so stupid! I looked at what he handed me putting on the basketball shorts and a t-shirt. "huh..." I say to myself looking at the mirror, the shirt he gave me loosely hanging off my shoulders and the shorts going past my knees, not to mention my hair which was now frizzing up as it dried making me look like a homeless person.

I picked up my clothes walking back into the living room ben now watching Rick and Morty on the tv. "do you have a plastic bag?" (we do this with wet clothes in Mexico so they don't get our backpack wet, idk if you guys do it in the US) I asked looking at my wet clothes, "oh, you can just use the dryer and wait for them, I'll drive you home when they are done" I nodded and stood there looking at him, "do you need something else?" he asked turning to me his cheeks turning slightly red. "yea, I don't know where the dryer is..." he looked at me for a second like he didn't hear me but he snapped out of it, "ohh, yea... I'll show you" he was strangely avoiding eye contact with me, so we walked there and back to the living room in silence.

( to be continued)

heyy guys!! Thank you so much for the views and likes!! they mean a lot

since English is my second language I want to know if my writing is good, I try my best to make sure it's easy to read and that there aren't a lot of spelling mistakes. but I hope you like the story so far.

do you like long chapters or short ones?

do you like anime? i want to do an armin fanfic lol

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