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'ok, I didn't think you would have so much homework..." he said surprised at the work we had just finished. "I missed a few days I don't normally have this much... sorry" ' you apologize a lot huh?' "I never really noticed." I looked down at the test book in front of me just glad that it was over. 'ok so just from this first day I can tell you learn fast, I mean I re-teach an equation and you understand it after that, so I don't really see why you are falling behind.' he looked through his computer back at my grades. He generally seemed confused about it. ' ok well we can meet up every day for the first week then move down to once or twice... so I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded and stood up, ' before you leave can I get your number?' he asked pulling out his phone handing it to me. " Why?" I asked adding myself to his contacts, ' in case anything comes up I can tell you we can't meet' "alright bye" I handed his phone back and left the room. I didn't feel like going home so I headed down to the track field.

I looked around before stepping onto the track, stretching like normal before getting into starting position. I hope that's not you on my track y/n. I sighed and stood back up letting go of the breath I had been holding. " you caught me, you going to kick me off? oh, wait you already did that" I snap back as Ms.Gracey walked up to me. What's with you lately? she asked concerned about me. you've been acting weird. " you kicked me off the team," I say back coldly, I was going to hold this grudge for as long as I could, I needed her to help, not make things worse.

y/n, you barely talk to people, y-you're slaking in school and you never get off this damn track. "I'm not slacking, do you even know why I started running in the first place?!" she stayed silent, I didn't expect her to answer, I never told her why, it was unfair for me to pull that card but I wasn't in the mood to play fair. " you took away his..." I stopped myself before I could finish looking down at the ground I'm projecting I know... " race season starts in two months, I have no way to practice nor will I even be able to participate." I could feel my throat starting to hurt, memories racing in my head. " you took away the one thing I could do to make me forget" the sentence came off shakey, and I don't know how I got it out. she just looked at me concerned before putting her hand on my shoulder. forget about what she asked, I push past her grabbing my bag, and left before I started crying. I decided to run home, I don't need a track to run.

( flashback)

I bet I could beat you! he said smiling as he pointed to our house. " you wish!" I say pushing him away. 20 bucks, I can make it before you. "deal!" we both run down the street laughing as we were toe to toe, yet like always I passed him last minute, we both stopped and bent down catching our breath. you cheated! he said in between breaths, " you always say that!" you'll see! I'll win one day

(end) (next day)

today walking into class I noticed a few new things, the fact I had been sitting next to ben the entire school year and never really noticed him. and now that I think of it when we met up for our first tutoring session he knew my name, I just assumed it was because I was on the sports team and had one the school a few awards but I guess not. I sat down tucking my hair behind my ear and putting in my headphones to block out any noise. the teacher walked in and began to explain the assignment, I watched his mouth move but couldn't hear anything he was saying, that was until i felt my headphone being taken out of my ears, I looked to the side confused, ben wrapping them up and setting them on his desk, I just stared at him my mouth slightly open, he paid no attention to me though, he just wrote down notes. after a minute of trying to figure out why he did that, I just looked back down at my desk. resting my head on my hand while tapping my fingers on the desk.

ok! this week your assignment is to take your favorite tv show and find similarities between that and any event that happened in the 1980's and how that affects the characters, you can work on this with a partner or by yourself.

I couldn't help but feel like the teacher was staring directly at me when he said that last part.

now then, if you are working in groups you can connect desks ( this is something we did in Mexico idk if schools in the US do this but yea lol) and get started, he said before sitting at his desk and grading some papers. I looked down avoiding the eyes that were so obviously looking at me, I get that ben is supposed to help me, but can't he just help during our tutoring time? I made the mistake of looking at him and he took that as an invitation. ' we can work on this together" he said taking out his notebook. " I prefer to work alone, thank you for the invite though. 'oh I wasn't asking' he stood up and moved his desk to face me, then he grabbed the end of my desk pulling it to connect with his. everyone was looking at me when he did that, and I could feel my face start to heat up with embarrassment. ben sat down and I slouched back into my chair. " I didn't expect that" I muttered to myself but he heard me, ' expect what?' he asked so nonchalantly, he didn't even look at me when he asked. " you to just move my desk with me sitting in it" 'oh, well you aren't heavy so it was easy' I furrowed my eyebrows wondering where he got his nerves from, he tossed a pencil at me and smiled. " what do you think I don't bring a pencil to school? I asked offended that he thought I was so unprepared. I gave his pencil back and grabbed my backpack looking for my mechanical pencil only to realize that I didn't have it, I closed my eyes for a second wondering how I became so dumb, I watched as Ben leaned forward and waved his pencil at me with a small smirk on his face, I took it from him and slouched back down into my seat.

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